私はユニバーサルアプリを持っていますが、コードは同じです。私は UIScrollView を持っていますが、これには scrollToTop が iPad では動作しますが、iPhone では動作しません。私はこれにかなりイライラしています。
I know there's a similar thread posted here, but that is not the case. I used to have the scrolling to work before this both on the iPad and iPhone. Any idea what to look for?
The structure of the code is like this. I have a mainVC called A. I then have a VC called B. There is also another VC called C, which has a UIScrollView. I added C as B's child view controller. and then B as A's child VC. Now the scroll view on C did not have the scrollToTop working.
The delegate scrollViewShouldScrollToTop is also called only in the iPad, not in the iPhone.