Google デベロッパー ページの「スプレッドシートからメールを送信する」チュートリアルのバリエーションを作成したいと考えています。
したがって、シート「NeedReminders」で、私のスクリプトは、電子メールの送信先メンバーの電子メール アドレスを列 A (変数「emailAddress」になります) で見つけます。そのアドレスに電子メールを送信します。
次に、ここで助けが必要です。スクリプトを「マスター」シートに移動し、emailAddress が列 X にある行を見つけ、同じ行で列 BT の値を設定します。
これまでの私のコードは次のとおりです (私は自分のコードを見せるのがいつも恥ずかしいのです。
function sendDuesReminder() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('___').getSheetByName('NeedReminders');
var startRow = 4; // There are a bunch of headers and other nonsense.
var valueSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('___').getSheetByName('Master');
// Determine how many rows to process
var rowRange = sheet.getRange(3,4); // On my sheet, cell D3 counts how many members are on the list of people who need a reminder e-mail.
var rowData = rowRange.getValue();
// End Determine how many rows to process
// Send e-mail
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, rowData, 2);
var data = dataRange.getValues();
for (i in data) {
var row = data[i];
// var emailAddress = row[0]; //Column A: E-mail Address
var name = row[1]; //Column B: First Name
var subject = "Reminder About Dues for Newcomers & Neighbors";
MailApp.sendEmail("", subject, "Hi, " + name + ". It's been some time since we received your online registration for Newcomers & Neighbors. But we don't seem to have received your dues payment, yet. So we wanted to drop you a quick line and remind you about it." + "\n\n" + "If you think we should have received your payment by now or there's some kind of a mistake, please let us know by responding to this message." + "\n\n" + "Otherwise, please send a check for __ made payable to ___ to:" + "\n\n" + "___" + "\n" + "___" + "\n" + "___" + "\n" + "___" + "\n\n" + "Thanks! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions." + "\n" + "___" + "\n" + "___" + "\n\n" + "Best wishes," + "\n\n" + "Kati" + "\n" + "Membership Director",
// End Send E-Mail
// Set that an a-(Experimental)
var valueRange = valueSheet.getRange // Here's where I kind of break down . . . I need *something* here that searches the sheet for emailAddress
setValue(today()) //I'm also not sure that this is the right way to set the value as today's date
// End Set value
Browser.msgBox("OK. Reminder messages have been sent. doebtown rocks the house!")