Michael Abrash 著の Zen of Assembly という本を持っています。私の知る限り、すべてのコード リストは x86 アセンブリにあります。これらのリストを組み立ててリンクできるように、WinASM と MASM をダウンロードしました。しかし、リストはそのままでは機能しません。実際、まったく機能しません。たとえば、最初のリストのコードは次のとおりです。
; *** Listing 2-1 ***
; The precision Zen timer (PZTIMER.ASM)
; Uses the 8253 timer to time the performance of code that takes
; less than about 54 milliseconds to execute, with a resolution
; of better than 10 microseconds.
; By Michael Abrash 4/26/89
; Externally callable routines:
; ZTimerOn: Starts the Zen timer, with interrupts disabled.
; ZTimerOff: Stops the Zen timer, saves the timer count,
; times the overhead code, and restores interrupts to the
; state they were in when ZTimerOn was called.
; ZTimerReport: Prints the net time that passed between starting
; and stopping the timer.
; Note: If longer than about 54 ms passes between ZTimerOn and
; ZTimerOff calls, the timer turns over and the count is
; inaccurate. When this happens, an error message is displayed
; instead of a count. The long-period Zen timer should be used
; in such cases.
; Note: Interrupts *MUST* be left off between calls to ZTimerOn
; and ZTimerOff for accurate timing and for detection of
; timer overflow.
; Note: These routines can introduce slight inaccuracies into the
; system clock count for each code section timed even if
; timer 0 doesn't overflow. If timer 0 does overflow, the
; system clock can become slow by virtually any amount of
; time, since the system clock can't advance while the
; precison timer is timing. Consequently, it's a good idea
; to reboot at the end of each timing session. (The
; battery-backed clock, if any, is not affected by the Zen
; timer.)
; All registers, and all flags except the interrupt flag, are
; preserved by all routines. Interrupts are enabled and then disabled
; by ZTimerOn, and are restored by ZTimerOff to the state they were
; in when ZTimerOn was called.
Code segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:Code, ds:nothing
public ZTimerOn, ZTimerOff, ZTimerReport
; Base address of the 8253 timer chip.
BASE_8253 equ 40h
; The address of the timer 0 count registers in the 8253.
TIMER_0_8253 equ BASE_8253 + 0
; The address of the mode register in the 8253.
MODE_8253 equ BASE_8253 + 3
; The address of Operation Command Word 3 in the 8259 Programmable
; Interrupt Controller (PIC) (write only, and writable only when
; bit 4 of the byte written to this address is 0 and bit 3 is 1).
OCW3 equ 20h
; The address of the Interrupt Request register in the 8259 PIC
; (read only, and readable only when bit 1 of OCW3 = 1 and bit 0
; of OCW3 = 0).
IRR equ 20h
; Macro to emulate a POPF instruction in order to fix the bug in some
; 80286 chips which allows interrupts to occur during a POPF even when
; interrupts remain disabled.
MPOPF macro
local p1, p2
jmp short p2
p1: iret ;jump to pushed address & pop flags
p2: push cs ;construct far return address to
call p1 ; the next instruction
; Macro to delay briefly to ensure that enough time has elapsed
; between successive I/O accesses so that the device being accessed
; can respond to both accesses even on a very fast PC.
DELAY macro
jmp $+2
jmp $+2
jmp $+2
OriginalFlags db ? ;storage for upper byte of
; FLAGS register when
; ZTimerOn called
TimedCount dw ? ;timer 0 count when the timer
; is stopped
ReferenceCount dw ? ;number of counts required to
; execute timer overhead code
OverflowFlag db ? ;used to indicate whether the
; timer overflowed during the
; timing interval
; String printed to report results.
OutputStr label byte
db 0dh, 0ah, 'Timed count: ', 5 dup (?)
ASCIICountEnd label byte
db ' microseconds', 0dh, 0ah
db '$'
; String printed to report timer overflow.
OverflowStr label byte
db 0dh, 0ah
db '****************************************************'
db 0dh, 0ah
db '* The timer overflowed, so the interval timed was *'
db 0dh, 0ah
db '* too long for the precision timer to measure. *'
db 0dh, 0ah
db '* Please perform the timing test again with the *'
db 0dh, 0ah
db '* long-period timer. *'
db 0dh, 0ah
db '****************************************************'
db 0dh, 0ah
db '$'
;* Routine called to start timing. *
ZTimerOn proc near
; Save the context of the program being timed.
push ax
pop ax ;get flags so we can keep
; interrupts off when leaving
; this routine
mov cs:[OriginalFlags],ah ;remember the state of the
; Interrupt flag
and ah,0fdh ;set pushed interrupt flag
; to 0
push ax
; Turn on interrupts, so the timer interrupt can occur if it's
; pending.
; Set timer 0 of the 8253 to mode 2 (divide-by-N), to cause
; linear counting rather than count-by-two counting. Also
; leaves the 8253 waiting for the initial timer 0 count to
; be loaded.
mov al,00110100b ;mode 2
out MODE_8253,al
; Set the timer count to 0, so we know we won't get another
; timer interrupt right away.
; Note: this introduces an inaccuracy of up to 54 ms in the system
; clock count each time it is executed.
sub al,al
out TIMER_0_8253,al ;lsb
out TIMER_0_8253,al ;msb
; Wait before clearing interrupts to allow the interrupt generated
; when switching from mode 3 to mode 2 to be recognized. The delay
; must be at least 210 ns long to allow time for that interrupt to
; occur. Here, 10 jumps are used for the delay to ensure that the
; delay time will be more than long enough even on a very fast PC.
rept 10
jmp $+2
; Disable interrupts to get an accurate count.
; Set the timer count to 0 again to start the timing interval.
mov al,00110100b ;set up to load initial
out MODE_8253,al ; timer count
sub al,al
out TIMER_0_8253,al ;load count lsb
out TIMER_0_8253,al ;load count msb
; Restore the context and return.
MPOPF ;keeps interrupts off
pop ax
ZTimerOn endp
;* Routine called to stop timing and get count. *
ZTimerOff proc near
; Save the context of the program being timed.
push ax
push cx
; Latch the count.
mov al,00000000b ;latch timer 0
out MODE_8253,al
; See if the timer has overflowed by checking the 8259 for a pending
; timer interrupt.
mov al,00001010b ;OCW3, set up to read
out OCW3,al ; Interrupt Request register
in al,IRR ;read Interrupt Request
; register
and al,1 ;set AL to 1 if IRQ0 (the
; timer interrupt) is pending
mov cs:[OverflowFlag],al ;store the timer overflow
; status
; Allow interrupts to happen again.
; Read out the count we latched earlier.
in al,TIMER_0_8253 ;least significant byte
mov ah,al
in al,TIMER_0_8253 ;most significant byte
xchg ah,al
neg ax ;convert from countdown
; remaining to elapsed
; count
mov cs:[TimedCount],ax
; Time a zero-length code fragment, to get a reference for how
; much overhead this routine has. Time it 16 times and average it,
; for accuracy, rounding the result.
mov cs:[ReferenceCount],0
mov cx,16
cli ;interrupts off to allow a
; precise reference count
call ReferenceZTimerOn
call ReferenceZTimerOff
loop RefLoop
add cs:[ReferenceCount],8 ;total + (0.5 * 16)
mov cl,4
shr cs:[ReferenceCount],cl ;(total) / 16 + 0.5
; Restore original interrupt state.
pop ax ;retrieve flags when called
mov ch,cs:[OriginalFlags] ;get back the original upper
; byte of the FLAGS register
and ch,not 0fdh ;only care about original
; interrupt flag...
and ah,0fdh ;...keep all other flags in
; their current condition
or ah,ch ;make flags word with original
; interrupt flag
push ax ;prepare flags to be popped
; Restore the context of the program being timed and return to it.
MPOPF ;restore the flags with the
; original interrupt state
pop cx
pop ax
ZTimerOff endp
; Called by ZTimerOff to start timer for overhead measurements.
ReferenceZTimerOn proc near
; Save the context of the program being timed.
push ax
pushf ;interrupts are already off
; Set timer 0 of the 8253 to mode 2 (divide-by-N), to cause
; linear counting rather than count-by-two counting.
mov al,00110100b ;set up to load
out MODE_8253,al ; initial timer count
; Set the timer count to 0.
sub al,al
out TIMER_0_8253,al ;load count lsb
out TIMER_0_8253,al ;load count msb
; Restore the context of the program being timed and return to it.
pop ax
ReferenceZTimerOn endp
; Called by ZTimerOff to stop timer and add result to ReferenceCount
; for overhead measurements.
ReferenceZTimerOff proc near
; Save the context of the program being timed.
push ax
push cx
; Latch the count and read it.
mov al,00000000b ;latch timer 0
out MODE_8253,al
in al,TIMER_0_8253 ;lsb
mov ah,al
in al,TIMER_0_8253 ;msb
xchg ah,al
neg ax ;convert from countdown
; remaining to amount
; counted down
add cs:[ReferenceCount],ax
; Restore the context of the program being timed and return to it.
pop cx
pop ax
ReferenceZTimerOff endp
;* Routine called to report timing results. *
ZTimerReport proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push ds
push cs ;DOS functions require that DS point
pop ds ; to text to be displayed on the screen
assume ds:Code
; Check for timer 0 overflow.
cmp [OverflowFlag],0
jz PrintGoodCount
mov dx,offset OverflowStr
mov ah,9
int 21h
jmp short EndZTimerReport
; Convert net count to decimal ASCII in microseconds.
mov ax,[TimedCount]
sub ax,[ReferenceCount]
mov si,offset ASCIICountEnd - 1
; Convert count to microseconds by multiplying by .8381.
mov dx,8381
mul dx
mov bx,10000
div bx ;* .8381 = * 8381 / 10000
; Convert time in microseconds to 5 decimal ASCII digits.
mov bx,10
mov cx,5
sub dx,dx
div bx
add dl,'0'
mov [si],dl
dec si
loop CTSLoop
; Print the results.
mov ah,9
mov dx,offset OutputStr
int 21h
pop ds
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ZTimerReport endp
Code ends
私は、listing1.asm として保存しました。WinASM で新しいプロジェクトを作成し、プロジェクトの種類として標準 EXE、その他の EXE、またはコンソール アプリケーションのいずれかを選択すると、Go All を実行すると次の出力が得られます (個別にアセンブルしてリンクした場合と同じです)。
C:\masm32\bin\ML /c /coff /Cp /nologo /I"C:\masm32\include" "C:\Users\Lincoln\Desktop\WinAsm\Projects\listing1.asm"
Assembling: C:\Users\Lincoln\Desktop\WinAsm\Projects\listing1.asm
C:\masm32\bin\Link @"C:\Users\Lincoln\Desktop\WinAsm\Projects\link.war"
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 5.12.8078
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved.
/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /RELEASE /VERSION:4.0 "/LIBPATH:C:\masm32\lib" "C:\Users\Lincoln\Desktop\WinAsm\Projects\listing1.obj" "/OUT:C:\Users\Lincoln\Desktop\WinAsm\Projects\listing1.exe"
listing1.obj : fatal error LNK1190: invalid fixup found, type 0x0001
Make finished. 1 error(s) occured.
そして、それを DOS プロジェクトとしてアセンブルしてリンクすると、次の出力が得られます。
C:\masm32\bin\ML /c /I"C:\masm32\include" "C:\Users\Lincoln\Desktop\WinAsm\Projects\listing1.asm"
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 6.14.8444
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1981-1997. All rights reserved.
Assembling: C:\Users\Lincoln\Desktop\WinAsm\Projects\listing1.asm
C:\masm32\bin\Link16 @"C:\Users\Lincoln\Desktop\WinAsm\Projects\link.war"
Microsoft (R) Segmented Executable Linker Version 5.60.339 Dec 5 1994
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-1993. All rights reserved.
Object Modules [.obj]: C:\Users\Lincoln\Desktop\WinAsm\Projects\listing1.objj
LINK : warning L4021: no stack segment
LINK : warning L4038: program has no starting address
Make finished. 2 error(s) occured.
エラーの意味や原因がわかりません。Zen of Assembly という本は 20 年以上前のものなので、わずかに異なるプロセッサで実行するように設計および記述されていますが、ほとんどのプロセッサは完全に下位互換性があるという印象を受けていたので、それは問題ではないと思いました。とにかく、これらのエラーメッセージの原因を知っている人はいますか? 明らかに、それらはリンカ エラーであり、問題なくアセンブルされているため、MASM に付属のリンカに何か問題があると考えられます。新しいものか何かをダウンロードする必要がありますか?
ところで、私は 64 ビット OS ではなく 32 ビット OS を使用しており、Windows 7 を実行しています。これを行うために使用しているコンピューターについて質問がある場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。