.Net MVC アプリケーションでサーバーに動画をアップロードしています。時間がかかるので、バックグラウンド スレッドで実行しています。一方、アップロードの進行状況を追跡し、ユーザーに表示しています。
public class MyController : Controller
long chunkSize = 256 * 1024;
private static string _progress = ""; //if I make nonstatic it fails
//Some codes here
//Upload file Request
public ActionResult VideoUploader()
var client = (VimeoClient)Session["client"];
Ticket t = client.vimeo_videos_upload_getTicket();
string path = @"E:\d2.MOV"; //Hardcoded value for testing purposes
new Thread(() => Transfer(client, t, path)).Start(); //Push file to server in background
return PartialView("_progress", "Preparing to upload...");
//Worker Thread
private void Transfer(VimeoClient client, Ticket t, string path)
FileInfo UploadFile = new FileInfo(path);
int chunks = (int)Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble(UploadFile.Length / chunkSize));
for (int i = 0; i <= chunks; i++)
string output = client.PostVideo(t, i, path,(int) chunkSize);
var v = client.vimeo_videos_upload_verifyChunks(t);
double percentage = (Convert.ToDouble(i + 1) / (chunks + 1)) * 100;
_progress = percentage.ToString() + "%"; // value sharing between two actions
string name = client.vimeo_videos_upload_complete(path, t);
client.vimeo_videos_embed_setPreset(client.Token, "200772", name);
//This method is calling from front end using jQuery to display progress
public ActionResult Progress()
//returning updated shared "_progress" varibal
return Json(_progress, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
私の問題は、「_progress」を非静的変数( private static _progress