C# のコード ビハインドに js 多次元配列 (次元はコンパイル時に不明) を渡す必要があります。次の方法でこれを行いました。

var AdjustItems = ""; //My string variable to store the array separated with '|' and '-'
for (var i = 0; i < adjusts.length; i++) { //adjusts is my js array
    AdjustItems += adjusts[i].Motive + '|' + adjusts[i].Amount.toFixed(2).toString() + '-';
if (AdjustItems != "") {
    AdjustItems = AdjustItems.substring(0, AdjustItems.length - 1);
g('arrAdjust').value = AdjustItems; //arrAdjust is my hidden input.



1 に答える 1


Is there another way to do this where I can get the array, like an array and not like a string in c#?

The only way to communicate between the client and server is with strings. Therefore, you must use a library like JSON to pass complex variables between the client and server.

You can use javascript's built-in JSON library to turn your array into a string. This would change your example to the following:

g('arrAdjust').value = JSON.stringify(adjusts);

Then, use a C# JSON parsing library to convert it to an array on the server side. This stackoverflow question may help you with C# and parsing the JSON.

于 2012-07-24T13:59:49.910 に答える