Ada で列挙型を拡張することは可能ですか? たとえば、次の場合:

type ABC_Type is (A, B, C);

ここで、ABC_Type が持つすべてのものと、また (D, E) を含む新しい型 ABCDE_Type が必要です。それを行う方法はありますか?


2 に答える 2


いいえ、Ada で列挙型を拡張することはできません。元のサブセットをカバーする派生/サブタイプのみを作成できます。


type ABCDE_Type is (A, B, C, D, E);
type ABC_Type is new ABCDE_Type range A .. C;
-- or
subtype ABC_Type is ABCDE_Type range A .. C;
于 2012-07-25T14:37:23.447 に答える

oneone の答えは正しいです。列挙 (または数値) 型を拡張することはできません。ただし、Yony の Animal/Fox の例を使用して、タグ付きの型を拡張できます。私はそれを Ada の OO モデルに翻訳しました。

-- Percent defines an integer-value between zero and one-hundred, inclusive.
Subtype Percent is Natural Range 0..100;

-- Attribute defines an integer between one and ten, inclusive.
Subtype Attribute is Positive Range 1..10;

-- Animal, the base object-class.
Type Animal is Abstract Tagged Record
-- All Animals have a survivability attribute.
Survivability : Percent:= Percent'Last; -- Default "survivability" to Max.
End Record;

-- Declaration of Primitive Operations for Animal. --

-- Name; returns the name of the type of the animal.
Function Name( Object : In Animal'Class ) Return String;

-- Implementation of Primitive Operations for Animal --

Function Name( Object : In Animal'Class ) Return String is
Use Ada.Tags;
    -- This is implementation dependent; with the compiler I'm using the Uppercased 
    -- type-name of the actual object will be returned.
Return External_Tag(Object'Tag);
end Name;

-- The Fox object-class. --
Type Fox is New Animal with record
Cunning : Attribute:= Attribute'First;
end record;

実際、拡張 (OO 継承) と除外 (サブタイピング) の両方を同じプログラムで使用でき、同じサブプログラムで型を操作できます。

package Windowing is
Type Window is tagged private;

-- Pointers for windows.
Type Window_Pointer is Access Window'Class; -- Normal pointer
Subtype Handle is Not Null Window_Pointer;  -- Pointer with Null excluded.

-- A light 'vector' of handles.
Type Window_List is Array (Positive Range <>) of Handle;

-- Primitive operations
Function Get_Child_Windows( Object : In Handle ) Return Window_List;
Procedure Set_Window_Height( Object : In Handle; Height : In Positive );
Function  Get_Window_Height( Object : In Handle ) Return Positive;

-- more primitive operations... including subprograms to create windows 
    -- and perhaps assign them as children.

Package Win_Vectors is new
  Ada.Containers.Vectors(Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => Handle);

Type Window is Tagged Record
    -- X & Y may be negative, or zero.
    X, Y        : Integer:= Positive'First;
    -- Height & Width must be positive.
    Height, Width   : Positive:=    Positive'First;
    -- Child-list
    Children        : Win_Vectors.Vector:= Win_Vectors.Empty_Vector;
End Record;

End Windowing;

package body Windowing is
Procedure Set_Window_Height( Object : In Handle; Height : In Positive ) is
    Object.Height:= Set_Window_Height.Height;
end Set_Window_Height;

Function  Get_Window_Height( Object : In Handle ) Return Positive is
    Return Object.Height;
end Get_Window_Height;

Function Get_Child_Windows ( Object : In Handle ) Return Window_List is
    -- Return a null-array if there are no child windows.
    if Object.Children.Is_Empty then
      Return (2..1 => Object);
    end if;

    -- Create an array of the proper size, then initialize to self-referential
    -- handle to avoid null-exclusion error.
    Return Result : Window_List( 1..Positive(Object.Children.Length) ):= 
         (others => Object) do
         Procedure Assign_Handle(Position : Win_Vectors.Cursor) is
          Use Win_Vectors;
          Index : Positive:= To_Index( Position );
          Result(Index):= Element(Position);
         end Assign_Handle;
         -- Replace the self-referential handles with the correct ones.
         Object.Children.Iterate( Process => Assign_Handle'Access );
    End Return;
end Get_Child_Windows;

end Windowing;

サブタイプ自体は、それ自体が強力な概念になる可能性があります。実際、数学をモデル化する場合、Ada のサブタイプにより、関数が数学的な定義に正確に一致したり、特定のチェックが完全に不要になるように実装したりできます。

-- Remove non-normal representations.
Subtype Real is Float Range Float'Range;

-- Constrain to non-negative numbers.
Subtype Natural_Real is Real Range 0.0 .. Real'Last; 

-- Because of the parameter-type, we do not need to implement any checks
-- for negative numbers in the subprogram body.
Function Square_Root( X : In Natural_Real ) Return Natural_Real;

-- Because Divisor is positive, we need not worry about ddivide-by-zero.
Function Good_Divide( Quotient: Integer; Divisor: Positive ) Return Natural;
于 2012-07-29T21:19:10.610 に答える