TIMEOUTを使用して、ポーリングに遅延を挿入しました。TIMEOUTがないXPのようなシステムを使用している場合は、ping -n 2 ::1 >nul 2>nul
@echo off
REM Define a base name for the temporary output files. I've incorporated
REM a random number in the file name to generally make it safe to run this
REM master script multiple times simultaneously. It is unlikely a collision
REM will occur, but incorporating a timestamp in the name would make it more
REM reliable.
set "baseName=%temp%\output%random%_"
set /a "progCount=2, completedCount=0"
REM Start each program with both stdout and stderr redirected to a temporary
REM ouptut file. The program will have an exclusive lock on the output file
REM until it finishes executing. I've assumed the program is another batch file
REM and I use the START /B switch so that the programs are run in the same
REM window as this master script. Any console program will work, and the
REM /B switch is optional.
start /b "" ^"cmd /c test.bat ^>"%baseName%1" 2^>^&1^"
start /b "" ^"cmd /c test2.bat ^>"%baseName%2" 2^>^&1^"
REM etc.
REM Clear any existing completed flags, just in case
for /l %%N in (1 1 %progCount%) do set "completed%%N="
REM Introduce a delay so we don't inundate the CPU while we poll
timeout /nobreak 1 >nul
REM Loop through each of the output file numbers.
REM Redirect the stderr for the DO block to nul so that if the inner
REM block redirection fails, the error message will be suppressed.
for /l %%N in (1 1 %progCount%) do (
REM Only test this particular program if the output file has been
REM created (in other words, the program has started) and we haven't
REM already detected that it has finished. Also redirect an unused
REM file handle to the output file in append mode. The redirection will
REM fail if the program has not completed. If the redirection fails then
REM the IF block is not executed.
if not defined completed%%N if exist "%baseName%%%N" (
REM We are within the block, meaning the redirection succeeded and
REM the program must have finished. So print out the results.
echo Ouput for program%%N
echo ---------------------------------------------
type "%baseName%%%N"
REM Set a flag so we know this program has finished
set completed%%N=1
REM Increment the completed count so we know when we are done
set /a completedCount+=1
) 9>>"%baseName%%%N"
) 2>nul
if %completedCount% neq %progCount% goto :loopUntilDone
del "%baseName%*"