public class PartB extends ChangeDrawer
public static ChangeDrawer cd = new ChangeDrawer();
static int[] floatDrawer = {8,5,4,4,5,20,20,6,10,3,8};
String selection="";
Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in);
System.out.println ("Enter P to make a purchase and receive your change");
System.out.println ("Enter L to load the Change drawer");
System.out.println ("Enter H to write the contents of the Change Drawer to a web page");
System.out.println ("Enter E to exit the program");
while (selection.compareTo("E")!=0)
selection = scan.next();
if (selection.compareTo("P")== 0)
else if (selection.compareTo("L")==0)
else if (selection.compareTo("H")==0)
writeHtmlFile(); //unreported exception java.io.IOException must be caught or
//declared to be thrown
System.out.println ("Ending .............................. ");
//more code exists between these two sets
public static void writeHtmlFile() throws IOException
FileWriter fwriter = new FileWriter("ChangeDrawer.html");
PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter(fwriter);
outputFile.println("This should work!");