Not sure if this is what want but there is this
RewriteEngine on
# Test if SNI will work and if not redirect to too old browser page
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
RewriteCond %{SSL:SSL_TLS_SNI} =""
RewriteRule ^ [L,R=307]
If an old browser tried to use a site which needs SNI then it will be redirected (in this case back to http and a page saying browser is too old). But you will always get an error. It can't be avoided. The browser says hello IP...., and apache replies hello here is my certificate. If the browser does not supply SNI in the hello apache just sends default (i.e. wrong) certificate. Browser then complains.
If you want to pick this up from http before swapping to https then you could put something like this in htaccess
#Set $_SERVER['SSL_TLS_SNI'] for php = %{SSL:SSL_TLS_SNI} or value
And then in your page do a https fetch from the default domain (default so browser does not say there is a security error). If SNI is working the in php $_SERVER['SSL_TLS_SNI'] will have the domain name, otherwise it will have %{SSL:SSL_TLS_SNI}. This bit of code could be improved but you get the idea.