In your more details request you ask:
What is important?
How can you make a good simulation?
How do you know it is relevant in a real live situation.
The answer to the first question can only be answered by expert at the game; creating AI is not an easy task and to create great AI you need to know all the strategies in the game and you need to program those strategies in. Then you either need to know when to use those strategies or in the case of what you are trying to determine have the computer cycle through all the combinations.
Make a good simulations depends a lot on what you are trying to achieve. You could go with the Chess method and have the AI play out all the possible scenarios and choose the best ones. This would in effect remove the strategies from the game entirely but it also might come up with some new ones; but good chess programs use opening books and what-not. To simulate real life you would probably want to use some combination of strategies and playing out all the possible moves depending on the situation.
Also, you say that you can't bluff, but that is not necessarily true. If it is a strategy in the game then you should probably program bluffing in and attempt to program in a response to bluffing. If you are going to do that you would need to implement a bluffing skill and detect bluffing skill and also a bluffing percentage. With that you could also learn how often bluffing could be useful for a given real life skill level. If you do implement bluffing you probably want to be able to run your simulation with it on or off.
To test you simulator, and insure it is accurate to real life, I would advise having the computer face off all the know combinations/results and insure that the results are the same as what you would see in real life. After that start cycling through but ramp up testing slowly just run a few strategies at first and check the results, then add in a few more. If you put all the strategies in from the get-go you will have a very hard time finding out that one of them doesn't work correctly.