私はjqueryライトボックスを使用しており、ライトボックス機能を備えた1つのdivがあります。この div 内に、テキスト リンクを持つ別の div があります。jquery はテキスト リンクを画像として認識し、それを開こうとして、他のページへのリンクを無視します。以下はdivのhtmlです。
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<p><b> The Royal Artillery<br>
</b><strong>19th Regiment Royal Artillery, The Highland Gunners</strong> </p>
<p> <a href="images/19reg.jpg"><img src="images/19regsm.jpg" alt="19th Regiment Royal Artillery, The Highland Gunners" width="126" height="142" border="1"></a>
19th Regiment Royal Artillery, The Highland Gunners, currently supports 12 Mechanised Brigade in the armoured field artillery role. The regiment has Fire Support Teams mounted in Warrior Mechanised Artillery Observation Vehicles equipped with MSTAR. The regiment’s three gun batteries are equipped with 18 AS-90 self-propelled guns.
<p> </p>
<p>5 (Gibraltar 1779–1783) Battery<br>
13 (Martinique 1809) Headquarters Battery<br>
28/143 (Tombs’s Troop) Battery<br>
52 (Niagara) Battery<br>
127 (Dragon) Battery</p>
<p>19th Regiment is based in Tidworth, Wiltshire. They recruit from Highlands, Grampian, Tayside, Fife, Central and Argyle.</p>
<p>19 Regiment RA is the local Artillery Regiment of the Highland areas of Scotland, The Western Islands, The Shetland Islands and The Orkney Islands. The Regiment has been granted the Freedom of the Cities of Inverness and Colchester and wears the Robertson Hunting tartan of the Clan Donnachaidh.<br>
Freedom of the City<br>
Taken from: wikipedia.org/wiki/19th_Regiment_Royal_Artillery</p>
<p><div id="royalart"><a href="images/Guns.jpg"><img src="images/Gunssm.jpg" alt="Guns firing at Edinburgh Castle" width="170" height="112" border="1"></a></div>
<div class="royalart1"><a href="105threg.html">105th Regiment Royal Artillery (Volunteers)</a></div>**
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完全なコンテンツがページに対して長すぎるため、div 内に div があるため、「royalartcontent」div で overflow:auto を使用しています。それ以外の場合、div を他の div 内に配置しません。