I'm new to C# and LINQ, but the latter is pretty cool. Except I can't figure out what is going on here:
I have the following piece of code, which runs as expected; it sorts and selects the top 100 records:
IEnumerable<workerLog> query =
(from record in _gzClasses.workerLogs
orderby record.workerID, record.timeStamp ascending
select record).Take(100);
foreach(var record in query)
but when I do the following, the same lines print, but then the program hangs a bit and a SQLException is thrown saying the server timed out.
IEnumerable<workerLog> query =
from record in _gzClasses.workerLogs
orderby record.workerID, record.timeStamp ascending
select record;
foreach(var record in query.Take(100))
What in the world is the difference here? Does it have something to do with the way LINQ queries are executed? Coming from the Java world, it makes no sense.