set the_result to (do shell script "ioreg -c IOHWSensor | grep -vE '\\{|\\}|\\+\\-o'")'s paragraphs
set all_display to ""
repeat with i from 0 to 16
set jump to 3
set the_location to item (3 + (jump * i)) of the_result
set the_location to characters 41 thru ((count of characters of the_location) - 1) of the_location as string
set the_type to item (4 + (jump * i)) of the_result
set the_text to item (2 + (jump * i)) of the_result as string
**set the_text to characters 44 thru (count of characters of the_text) of the_text as string --(length of item 2 of the_result)**
set the_type to characters 37 thru ((count of characters of the_type) - 1) of the_type as string
if the_type = "temperature" then
set all_display to all_display & "
" & the_location & ": " & ((the_text / 65536) * (9 / 5)) + 32 & " F" as string
end if
end repeat
display dialog all_display
私はこれをもう一度試していましたが、最終的に完全なエラーを取得できましたエラー:「| | | | | \ "version \"=2」の文字44から41を文字列型にできません。