ユーザーが検索バーに質問を入力できるようにするこのコードを作成しました。次に、このコードはその質問を受け取り、データベース内の質問のある単語を探します。次に、各質問に一致する単語の数をカウントします。完了すると、一致する単語の数に応じて、上位 4 つの最も一致する質問が表示されます。ただし、現時点では、これらの一致を最低の単語一致から最高の単語一致 (低から高) まで表示します。このコードでこれを行うにはどうすればよいですか?
$search_term = filter_var($_GET["s"], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); //User enetered data
$search_term = str_replace ("?", "", $search_term); //remove any question marks from string
$array = explode(" ", $search_term); //Seperate user enterd data
foreach ($array as $key=>$word) {
$array[$key] = " title LIKE '%".$word."%' "; //creates condition for MySQL query
$q = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE " . implode(' OR ', $array); //Query to select data with word matches
$r = mysql_query($q);
$count = 0; //counter to limit results shown
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)){
$thetitle = $row['title']; //result from query
$thetitle = str_replace ("?", "", $thetitle); //remove any question marks from string
$title_array[] = $thetitle; //creating array for query results
$newarray = explode(" ", $search_term); //Seperate user enterd data again
foreach($title_array as $key => $value) {
$thenewarray = explode(" ", $value); //Seperate each result from query
$wordmatch = array_diff_key($thenewarray, array_flip($newarray));
$result = array_intersect($newarray, $wordmatch);
$matchingwords = count($result); //Count the number of matching words from user entered data and the database query
if(mysql_num_rows($r)==0)//no result found{
echo "<div id='search-status'>No result found!</div>";
else //result found
echo "<ul>";
$title = $row['title'];
if ($matchingwords >= 4){
<li><a href='<?php echo $row['url']; ?>'><?php echo $title ?><i> No. matching words: <?php echo $matchingwords; ?></i></a></li>
if ($count == 5) {break;
echo "</ul>";