私が実行しようとしている例は、ここに投稿されています: Yesod ブログの例 少し変更して、defaultLayout 関数に型を追加し、二重定義を取り除くために Yesod のインスタンスにしました。
defLayout :: GWidget a Blog () -> GHandler a Blog RepHtml
defLayout inside = do
mmsg <- getMessage
pc <- widgetToPageContent $ do
toWidget [lucius|
body {
width: 760px;
margin: 1em auto;
font-family: sans-serif;
textarea {
width: 400px;
height: 200px;
#message {
color: #900;
hamletToRepHtml [hamlet|
$doctype 5
<title>#{pageTitle pc}
^{pageHead pc}
$maybe msg <- mmsg
<div #message>#{msg}
^{pageBody pc}
instance Yesod Blog where
approot = ApprootStatic "http://localhost:3000"
defaultLayout = defLayout
getBlogR :: Handler RepHtml
getBlogR = do
muser <- maybeAuth
entries <- runDB $ selectList [] [Desc EntryPosted]
((_, entryWidget), enctype) <- generateFormPost entryForm
defaultLayout $ do
setTitleI MsgBlogArchiveTitle
$if null entries
$forall Entity entryId entry <- entries
<a href=@{EntryR entryId}>#{entryTitle entry}
$maybe Entity _ user <- muser
$if isAdmin user
<form method=post enctype=#{enctype}>
<input type=submit value=_{MsgNewEntry}>
<a href=@{AuthR LoginR}>_{MsgLoginToPost}
getEntryR :: EntryId -> Handler RepHtml
getEntryR entryId = do
(entry, comments) <- runDB $ do
entry <- get404 entryId
comments <- selectList [] [Asc CommentPosted]
return (entry, map entityVal comments)
muser <- maybeAuth
((_, commentWidget), enctype) <- generateFormPost (commentForm entryId)
defaultLayout $ do
setTitleI $ MsgEntryTitle $ entryTitle entry
<h1>#{entryTitle entry}
<article>#{entryContent entry}
<section .comments>
$if null comments
$forall Comment _entry posted _user name text <- comments
<div .comment>
<span .by>#{name}
<span .at>#{show posted}
<div .content>#{text}
$maybe _ <- muser
<form method=post enctype=#{enctype}>
<input type=submit value=_{MsgAddCommentButton}>
<a href=@{AuthR LoginR}>_{MsgLoginToComment}
Couldn't match expected type `GWidget Blog Blog ()'
with actual type `(t0, t1)'
In the pattern: (_, entryWidget)
In the pattern: ((_, entryWidget), enctype)
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
((_, entryWidget), enctype) <- generateFormPost entryForm
Couldn't match expected type `GWidget Blog Blog ()'
with actual type `(t0, t1)'
In the pattern: (_, commentWidget)
In the pattern: ((_, commentWidget), enctype)
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
((_, commentWidget), enctype) <- generateFormPost
(commentForm entryId)