Customer ID, Transaction Value
1, 74.36
1, 44.98
3, 6.44
0, 19.13
3, 59.44
2, 81.56
0, 87.21
4, 40.9
1, 42.11
3, 66.05
Customer: 1 Transactions: 3.0
Customer: 1 Transactions: 3.0
Customer: 3 Transactions: 3.0
Customer: 0 Transactions: 2.0
Customer: 3 Transactions: 3.0
Customer: 2 Transactions: 1.0
Customer: 0 Transactions: 2.0
Customer: 4 Transactions: 1.0
Customer: 1 Transactions: 3.0
Customer: 3 Transactions: 3.0
import java.util.*;
public class Assignment3 {
public static long studentNumber=1234567;
public static int customerID[];
public static double transactionValue[];
public static void initialiseData(int size) {
customerID = new int[size];
transactionValue = new double[size];
Random rand = new Random(studentNumber);
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
customerID[i] = rand.nextInt(size / 2);
transactionValue[i] = rand.nextInt(10000) / 100.0;
public static void main(String args[]) {
int size=10;
// Your code should only be below this line
double transaction = 0;
int customer = 0;
int customer_Total = 0;
int count = 0;
int customer_count = 0;
double transaction_Total = 0;
System.out.println("Customer ID, Transaction Value");
for (size= 0; size < customerID.length; size++) {
customer= customerID[size];
transaction= transactionValue[size];
System.out.println(customer + ", " + transaction);
for(customer_count = 0; customer_count < customerID.length; customer_count++) {
transaction_Total= 0;
customer_Total = customerID[customer_count];
count = customerID[customer_count];
for (int customer_count2 = 0;
customer_count2 < customerID.length;
customer_count2++) {
if (customer_Total == customerID[customer_count2]) {
System.out.println("Customer: "+ customer_Total + " " +
"Transactions: " + transaction_Total);
// Your code should not be below this line