現在、getAddress()を使用してSMTPAddressFailedExceptionをチェックし、getRef ()を使用してAddressExceptionをチェックしています。
* Checks to find an invalid address error in the given exception. Any found will be added to the ErrorController's
* list of invalid addresses. If an exception is found which does not contain an invalid address, returns false.
* @param exception the MessagingException which could possibly hold the invalid address
* @return if the exception is not an invalid address exception.
public boolean handleEmailException(Throwable exception) {
String invalidAddress;
do {
if (exception instanceof SMTPAddressFailedException) {
SMTPAddressFailedException smtpAddressFailedException = (SMTPAddressFailedException) exception;
InternetAddress internetAddress = smtpAddressFailedException.getAddress();
invalidAddress = internetAddress.getAddress();
} else if (exception instanceof AddressException) {
AddressException addressException = (AddressException) exception;
invalidAddress = addressException.getRef();
//Here is where I might do a few more else ifs if there are any other applicable exceptions.
else {
return false;
if (invalidAddress != null) {
//Here's where I do something with the invalid address.
exception = exception.getCause();
} while (exception != null);
return true;