<target name="module.lint">
<apply executable="/usr/bin/php" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-l" />
<fileset dir="/path/to/my/elite/code" includes="**/*.php" />
ant -buildfile /path/to/my/elite/buildfiles/project/elite/build.xml module.lint
正常に動作しますが、CruiseControl GUIを使用してプロジェクトをビルドしようとすると、次のエラーが発生します。
[cc]Aug-09 15:51:04 ScriptRunner - fileset: Setup scanner in dir /path/to/my/elite/code with patternSet{ includes: [**/*.php] excludes: [] }
[cc]Aug-09 15:51:04 ScriptRunner - [apply] Executing '/usr/bin/php' with arguments:
[cc]Aug-09 15:51:04 ScriptRunner - [apply] '-l'
[cc]Aug-09 15:51:04 ScriptRunner - [apply] '/path/to/my/elite/code/Script.php'
[cc]Aug-09 15:51:04 ScriptRunner - [apply]
[cc]Aug-09 15:51:04 ScriptRunner - [apply] The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
[cc]Aug-09 15:51:04 ScriptRunner - [apply] not part of the command.
[cc]Aug-09 15:51:04 ScriptRunner - Execute:Java13CommandLauncher: Executing '/usr/bin/php' with arguments:
[cc]Aug-09 15:51:04 ScriptRunner - '-l'
[cc]Aug-09 15:51:04 ScriptRunner - '/path/to/my/elite/code/Script.php'
[cc]Aug-09 15:51:04 ScriptRunner -
[cc]Aug-09 15:51:04 ScriptRunner - The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
[cc]Aug-09 15:51:04 ScriptRunner - not part of the command.
[cc]Aug-09 15:51:04 ScriptRunner - [apply] No syntax errors detected in /path/to/my/elite/code/Script.php