write および readFile メソッドに問題があります。メソッドは何もしません。このメソッドは、動的配列の要素を C++ というファイルに書き込むことになっています。そして、読み取りファイルについても、メソッドはArrayListの要素を読み取ることになっています。

ここに私のコードがあります: メソッド

//  Name:         Array::WriteFile
//  Description:  Writes an array to disk
//  Arguments:    The Filename
//  Return Value: true on success, false on failure
   void writeFile(string file)//saves the array elements into a text file
        ofstream outfile(file);//allows you to write to the document passed in
        for(int i = 0; i < m_size; i++)//loops through the array
            outfile << m_array[i] << endl;//saves each element into a single line in the text document

//  Name:         ReadFile.
//  Description:  Reads an array from disk.
//  Arguments:    The Filename.
//  Return Value: True on success, false on failure.
   void readFile(string file)
        ifstream inFile(file);//reads the file
        string line;//creates a string to take in information from the text deocument
        int numLines=0;//number of lines read in text document so far

        while(getline(inFile, line))//loops through the text document counting how many lines are in it.
            numLines++;//increments every time a line is read
        Datatype object;//creates a variable of type DataType to hold whatever is in the text document be it int, float, string etc...
        inFile.clear() ;//these two lines reset the inFile and go back to the start allowing to read through it again
        inFile.seekg(0, ios::beg) ;
        for(int i = 0; i < numLines; i++)//loops for whatever the number of lines there is in the document.
            inFile >> object;//pushes the line into the document into object
            push(object);//calls the push function that will push object into the array in the right order




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于 2012-12-28T21:53:06.627 に答える