すでに 5 日が経過しましたが、まだどこに問題があるのか わかりません。ここにエラーとコード全体を投稿します。うまくいけば、誰かが助けてくれるでしょう!私はそれを非常に感謝します。
Fatal error: Call to a member function Show_LastRec_Pack() on a non-object in packgames.php on line 69
* Block Last Rec Pack
define ('PACK_GAMES_TO_SHOW', 3);
require_once ('recmod/constants.php');
$query = "SELECT r.*, pp.topic_id, p.Nick, b.*, p.Rating
FROM " . TABLE_RECGAMES . " r, " . $this->db->obj['sql_tbl_prefix'] . "attachments a, " . $this->db->obj['sql_tbl_prefix'] . "posts pp,
" . TABLE_PLAYERS." p, recs_aoc_flags b
WHERE a.attach_id = r.attach_id
AND a.attach_rel_id = pp.pid
AND r.Id_Player > 0
AND p.Id_Player = r.Id_Player
AND b.flag_id = p.flag_id
ORDER BY r.Id_RecordedGame DESC
$packs = array ();
while ($player = $this->DB->fetch ())
$flag = '<img src="' . PATH_FLAGS . $player['flag_image'] . '" alt="'.$player['flag_country'].'" title="' . $player['flag_country'] . '" align="absmiddle" border="0">';
$packs[] = array (
'GAMES' => $player['Players'],
'PLAYER' => $player['Nick'],
'FLAG' => $flag,
'RATING' => $player['Rating'],
'ID_POST' => $player['topic_id']
$tmp = $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('recgames')->Show_LastRec_Pack ($packs);
echo $tmp;