Create table widgets (
Widget_ID int not null primary key,
Widget_type_ID int not null,
Widget_Sub_type_ID int,
Widget_Name varchar (50)
Create table Widget_Type (
Widget_Type_ID int not null primary key,
Create table Widget_Sub_type (
Widget_Sub_Type_ID int not null primary key,
Widget_Type_ID int not null
---adding foregin key constraints
Alter table widgets
ADD constraint FK_Widget_Type
FOREIGN KEY (Widget_type_ID)
References Widget_Type (Widget_type_ID)
Alter table widgets
ADD constraint FK_Widget_Sub_Type
FOREIGN KEY (Widget_Sub_type_ID)
References Widget_SUB_Type (Widget_SUB_type_ID)
Alter table widget_Sub_Type
ADD Constraint FK_Widget_Type_Alter
Foreign key (widget_Type_ID)
References Widget_Type (Widget_Type_ID)
---- insert values
insert Widget_Type values (1)
insert Widget_Type values (5)
insert Widget_Sub_type values (3,1)
insert Widget_Sub_type values (4,1)
insert Widget_Sub_type values (7,5)
insert Widget_Sub_type values (9,5)
-- This will error out which is correct
insert Widget_Sub_type values (5,6)
select * from Widget_Sub_type
select * from Widget_type
insert widgets (Widget_ID,Widget_Name, Widget_type_ID, Widget_Sub_type_ID)
values (1, 'TOY', 1, 3)
select * from widgets
insert widgets (Widget_ID,Widget_Name, Widget_type_ID, Widget_Sub_type_ID)
values (2, 'BatMan', 5, 7)
-- How to prevenet this, 3 is not sub_type_id of type_ID 5. This is bad data, It should not be inserted.
insert widgets (Widget_ID,Widget_Name, Widget_type_ID, Widget_Sub_type_ID)
values (3, 'Should Not', 5, 3)