Class clsDatabaseConnections
Private strConnection ''# Connection string (change depending on what system we are using)
Private objConn ''# Connection object
Private objComm ''# Command Object
Private objRS ''# Recordset object
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
''# What happens when the class is opened
strConnection = "DRIVER={SQL Server}; ..........."
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.ConnectionString = strConnection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
''# What happens when the class is closed
''# Close connections
If objConn.State <> 0 Then
End If
Set objConn = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub SQLExecuteFromSQLString(ByRef strSQL)
''# Execute code and return nothing
If objConn.State <> 0 Then
End If
objConn.Execute strSQL
End Sub
''# This replicates the .NET ExecuteScalar
Public Function ExecuteScalarFromSQLString(ByRef sSQL)
''# This is used when passing back single results. Replicating a .NET piece of functionality
Dim objScalar
Set objScalar = GetRecordSet(sSQL)
If Not objScalar.EOF Then
ExecuteScalar = objScalar(0)
''# Nothing returned
ExecuteScalar = -1
End If
End Function ''#ExecuteScalar
Public Function GetRecordSetFromSQLString(ByRef strRS)
If objConn.State <> 1 Then
End If
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.Open strRS, objConn
Set GetRecordSet = objRS
End Function
''# Using SP code within class
Public Sub CallSPNeedParams(ByRef strStoredProc)
If objConn.State <> 1 Then
End If
If Not IsObject(objComm) Then
Set objComm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") ''# This will be used for Stored Procedures
End If
With objComm
.ActiveConnection = objConn
.CommandText = strStoredProc
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
End With
If Not IsObject(objRS) Then
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
End If
Set objRS.ActiveConnection = objConn ''# Set connection
Set objRS.Source = objComm ''# Set source to use command object
End Sub
Public Sub ApendParamsToRecordSet(ByRef Name, ByRef TypeParam, ByRef Direction, ByRef Size, ByRef Value)
''#Type adDate adDBDate, adVarChar, adChar, adBoolean
If IsObject(objComm) Then
objComm.Parameters.Append objComm.CreateParameter(Name, TypeParam, Direction, Size, Value)
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetRecordSetSPParams(ByRef strStoredProc)
If strStoredProc = objComm.CommandText Then
''# This is being called for the right SP
Set GetRecordSetSPParams = objRS
''# Need to clear out params from Command object
Do While (objComm.Parameters.Count > 0)
objComm.Parameters.Delete 0
End If
End Function
Public Sub CloseCommObject()
If IsObject(objComm) Then
Set objComm = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Public Function ExecuteScalarSetSPParams(ByRef strStoredProc)
''# This is used when passing back single results. Replicating a .NET piece of functionality
If strStoredProc = objComm.CommandText Then
If Not objRS.EOF Then
ExecuteScalar = objRS(0)
''# Nothing returned
ExecuteScalar = -1
End If
End If
End Function ''#ExecuteScalar
Public Sub ExecuteSPButNoRecordsReturned(ByRef strStoredProc)
If strStoredProc = objComm.CommandText Then
End If
End Sub ''#ExecuteSPButNoRecordsReturned()
Public Sub CloseRecordSet()
If objRS.State <> 0 Then
End If
Set objRS = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get ObjectConn()
ObjectConn = objConn
End Property
Public Property Let SwitchConnection(ByRef strConn)
''# Will allow user to change the connection from the default set up
strConnection = strConn
Call SwitchConnection(strConnection)
End Property
Private Sub SwitchConnection(ByRef strConn)
''# Will allow user to change the connection from the default set up
strConnection = strConn
If objConn.State <> adStateClosed Then
objConn.ConnectionString = strConnection
End If
End Sub
End Class ''#clsDatabaseConnections