私は C で、整数と"+ - * /"演算子だけを含む Lisp 算術計算機の単純なプログラムを作成しています。これは、宿題などではなく、学習目的で行っています。

したがって、このようなものを正しく解析して(+ 2 3)5を出力する関数を作成したので、ネストされていないステートメントを処理する方法は知っていますが、この(+ (* 2 3) (- 4 2))ようなものがある場合はどうすればよいので、再帰を使用してこれを解決できるようですが、私はしませんそれを行う方法を本当に知りません。


  function parse_line(int n)
    if string[n] == '('
     if string[n+1] == operator
      if string[n+3] == number
       result = parseAllNumbers(); //between ( )
       return result; 
    if string[n+3] == '('


ここで私の論理は正しいですか。もしあれば、計算(+ (* 2 3) (- 4 2))するだけです。を計算してから、これら 2 つの結果を加算する(* 2 3)にはどうすればよいでしょうか。(- 4 2)


3 に答える 3




function evaluateExpression(){
    var token = getToken();

    if( isNumber(token)){
        return token;
    }else if( isOpenParen(token)){
        return evaluateExpression();

    var numOne = evaluateExpression();
    var nextToken = null;
    while( !isRightParen(nextToken)){
        nextToken = getToken();
        numOne = evaluate(token, numOne, nextToken);

    return numOne;


于 2012-08-14T21:38:14.860 に答える


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define OPERATOR 0
#define OPEN_PAREN 1
#define CLOSE_PAREN 2
#define NUMBER 3
#define END_OF_EXPR 4

#define BAD_LINE 1
#define GOOD_LINE 0

typedef struct 
   unsigned char type;
   char operator;
   int number;
} token;

token tokens[100];
int num_tokens = 0;
int token_counter = 0;

token get_token(void)

   token temp;
   if ( token_counter < num_tokens )
      temp = tokens[token_counter];
      token_counter += 1;
      temp.type = END_OF_EXPR;
   return temp;

int tokenize(const char *line, token *tokens,int *num_tokens)
   token_counter = 0;
   int number_digit = 0;
   token aToken;
   int length = strlen(line);
   char number_array[20];
   *num_tokens = 0;
   int num_open_paren = 0;
   int num_close_paren = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
      /* ignore whitespace */
      if ( line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t' || line[i] == '\n' || line[i] == '\r' )
         if ( number_digit > 0 )
            number_array[number_digit] = '\0';
            aToken.number = atoi(number_array);
            aToken.type = NUMBER;
            tokens[*num_tokens] = aToken;
            *num_tokens += 1;       
            number_digit = 0;   
      else if ( line[i] == '(')
         aToken.type = OPEN_PAREN;
         tokens[*num_tokens] = aToken;
         *num_tokens += 1;
         num_open_paren += 1;
      else if (line[i] == ')' )
         if ( number_digit > 0 )
            number_array[number_digit] = '\0';
            aToken.number = atoi(number_array);
            aToken.type = NUMBER;
            tokens[*num_tokens] = aToken;
            *num_tokens += 1;           
            number_digit = 0;
         aToken.type = CLOSE_PAREN;
         tokens[*num_tokens] = aToken;
         *num_tokens += 1;
         num_close_paren += 1;
      else if ( line[i] == '*' || line[i] == '+' ||  
           line[i] == '/' || line[i] == '-' )
         aToken.type = OPERATOR;
         aToken.operator = line[i];
         tokens[*num_tokens] = aToken;
         *num_tokens += 1;       
      else if ( isdigit(line[i]) )
         number_array[number_digit] = line[i];
         number_digit += 1;
         printf("%c - the %d character - is illegal\n",line[i],i+1);
         return BAD_LINE;

   if ( num_open_paren == num_close_paren )
      return GOOD_LINE;
      printf("mismatched parentheses\n:%s\n",line);
      return BAD_LINE;

int evaluate(char operator, int *operands, int num_operands)
   int result = 0;
   switch (operator)
      case '+':
         for (int i = 0; i < num_operands; i++)
            result += operands[i];
      case '-':
         result = operands[0];
         for (int i = 1; i < num_operands; i++)
            result -= operands[i];
      case '*':
         result = operands[0];
         for (int i = 1; i < num_operands; i++)
            result *= operands[i];
      case '/':
         result = operands[0];
         for (int i = 1; i < num_operands; i++)
            result /= operands[i];
         printf("ERROR invalid operator: %c\n",operator);
   return result;

int process_expression(void)
   int result = 0;
   token current_token = get_token();
   if ( current_token.type != OPERATOR )
      fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %s expecting operator\n",__func__);
   char operator = current_token.operator;
   current_token = get_token();
   int operands[200];
   int operands_index = 0;
   while ( current_token.type != CLOSE_PAREN && current_token.type != END_OF_EXPR)
      if ( current_token.type == NUMBER )
         operands[operands_index] = current_token.number;
         operands_index += 1;
      else if ( current_token.type == OPEN_PAREN )
         operands[operands_index] = process_expression();
         operands_index += 1;
      current_token = get_token();
   result = evaluate(operator,operands,operands_index);
   return result;

void process_lisp_string(const char *line)

   int result = tokenize(line, tokens,&num_tokens);

   if ( result == GOOD_LINE )
      token first = get_token();
      if ( first.type == OPEN_PAREN )
         printf("the answer for %s is: %d\n",line, process_expression());
         fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: no open parentheses at front of expression\n");
         fprintf(stderr,"token type:%d\n",first.type);
      printf("the line contained errors\n");

int main(const int argc, const char *const argv[])
   char *test = "(+ 2 2 )";
   char *line = "(+ (+ 30 20) 2 2)";
   char *line2 = "(- (+ 1000 10) 200)";
   char *line3 = "(- (+ 1000 10) (- 200 10) (* 2 4))";
   char *line4 = "(+ (+ 10 10) (* 2 4) (* 2 3) (* 2 (- 3 1)))";


the answer for (+ 2 2 ) is: 4
the answer for (+ (+ 30 20) 2 2) is: 54
the answer for (- (+ 1000 10) 200) is: 810
the answer for (- (+ 1000 10) (- 200 10) (* 2 4)) is: 812
the answer for (+ (+ 10 10) (* 2 4) (* 2 3) (* 2 (- 3 1))) is: 38
于 2012-08-15T19:37:18.417 に答える

Cは最も使いにくい言語です。これが宿題でない限り、最初に別の高水準言語で試すのがおそらく最善です。C には文字列がなく、スタックのようなデータ構造もありません。この処理は、他のポスターが示唆したように、おそらくよりエレガントに再帰的に行われますが、非再帰の方が簡単だと思います。以下は、正の整数のみを処理し、一部のエラー処理を欠いている部分的なソリューションです。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define OPERATOR 0
#define OPEN_PAREN 1
#define CLOSE_PAREN 2
#define NUMBER 3

#define BAD_LINE 1
#define GOOD_LINE 0

typedef struct 
   unsigned char type;
   char operator;
   int number;
} token;

int get_tokens(const char *line, token *tokens,int *num_tokens)
   int number_digit = 0;
   token aToken;
   int length = strlen(line);
   char number_array[20];
   *num_tokens = 0;
   int num_open_paren = 0;
   int num_close_paren = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
      /* ignore whitespace */
      if ( line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t' || line[i] == '\n' || line[i] == '\r' )
         if ( number_digit > 0 )
            number_array[number_digit] = '\0';
            aToken.number = atoi(number_array);
            aToken.type = NUMBER;
            tokens[*num_tokens] = aToken;
            *num_tokens += 1;       
            number_digit = 0;   
      else if ( line[i] == '(')
         aToken.type = OPEN_PAREN;
         tokens[*num_tokens] = aToken;
         *num_tokens += 1;
         num_open_paren += 1;
      else if (line[i] == ')' )
         if ( number_digit > 0 )
            number_array[number_digit] = '\0';
            aToken.number = atoi(number_array);
            aToken.type = NUMBER;
            tokens[*num_tokens] = aToken;
            *num_tokens += 1;           
            number_digit = 0;
         aToken.type = CLOSE_PAREN;
         tokens[*num_tokens] = aToken;
         *num_tokens += 1;
         num_close_paren += 1;
      else if ( line[i] == '*' || line[i] == '+' ||  
           line[i] == '/' || line[i] == '-' )
         aToken.type = OPERATOR;
         aToken.operator = line[i];
         tokens[*num_tokens] = aToken;
         *num_tokens += 1;       
      else if ( isdigit(line[i]) )
         number_array[number_digit] = line[i];
         number_digit += 1;
         printf("%c - the %d character - is illegal\n",line[i],i+1);
         return BAD_LINE;

   if ( num_open_paren == num_close_paren )
      return GOOD_LINE;
      printf("mismatched parentheses\n:%s\n",line);
      return BAD_LINE;

int process_expression(char operator, int *operands, int num_operands)
   int result = 0;
   switch (operator)
      case '+':
         for (int i = 0; i < num_operands; i++)
            result += operands[i];
      case '-':
         result = operands[0];
         for (int i = 1; i < num_operands; i++)
            result -= operands[i];
      case '*':
         result = operands[0];
         for (int i = 1; i < num_operands; i++)
            result *= operands[i];
      case '/':
         result = operands[0];
         for (int i = 1; i < num_operands; i++)
            result /= operands[i];
         printf("ERROR invalid operator: %c\n",operator);
   return result;

int process_tokens(token *tokens, int num_tokens)
   int result = 0;
   /* operators "stack" */
   char operators[100];
   /* "pointer" for current operator */
   int operator_index = -1;
   /* operands "stack" 1 row for each operator (set of parentheses) */
   int operands[100][20];
   /* how many operands for current expression? (current operator) */
   int expression_operands[100];
   for (int i = 0; i < num_tokens; i++)
      if ( tokens[i].type == OPEN_PAREN )
         operator_index += 1;
         expression_operands[operator_index] = 0;
      else if ( tokens[i].type == CLOSE_PAREN )
         result = process_expression(operators[operator_index], 
         operator_index -= 1;
         if ( operator_index > -1 )
            operands[operator_index][ expression_operands[operator_index] ] = result;
            expression_operands[operator_index] += 1;
      else if ( tokens[i].type == OPERATOR )
         operators[operator_index] = tokens[i].operator;
      else if ( tokens[i].type == NUMBER )
         operands[operator_index][ expression_operands[operator_index] ] = tokens[i].number;
         expression_operands[operator_index] += 1;
   return result;

void process_lisp_string(const char *string)
   token tokens[100];
   int num_tokens = 0;
   int result = get_tokens(string, tokens,&num_tokens);

   if ( result == GOOD_LINE )
      printf("the answer is: %d\n",process_tokens(tokens,num_tokens));
      printf("the string contained errors\n");

int main(const int argc, const char *const argv[])

   char *line = "(+ (+ 30 20) 2 2)";
   char *line2 = "(- (+ 1000 10) 200)";
   char *line3 = "(- (+ 1000 10) (- 200 10) (* 2 4))";
   char *line4 = "(+ (+ 10 10) (* 2 4) (* 2 3) (* 2 (- 3 1)))";



the answer is: 54
the answer is: 810
the answer is: 812
the answer is: 38
于 2012-08-15T11:53:24.773 に答える