MATLAB を介して接続しようとしている USB カメラ ( DCC1645 ) があります。ActiveX 経由で正常に接続できました。
cam = actxcontrol('uc480.uc480Ctrl.1');
GetImageMem() returns the pointer to the internal image memory where the image is stored.
loc = cam.GetImageMem();
InquireImageMem(LONG* nWidth, LONG* nHeight, LONG*nBits, LONG* nPitch)
reads the properties of the allocated image memory. The function returns
the properties of the actual image buffer, as returned by GetImageMem
nWidth Receives the width of the allocated image memory.
nHeight Receives the height of the allocated image memory.
nBits Receives the bits per pixel of the allocated image memory.
nPitch Receives the pitch of the allocated image memory. The pitch
is the number of bytes from the start of a line to the start
of the next line.
- メモリへのポインタとサイズを指定して、実際のデータを取得するにはどうすればよいですか?
- 関数への参照をどのように渡しますか (LONG* nwidth など)? 私が使用すべきlibpointerのようなものはありますか?