前に述べたように、私は多肢選択式クイズを作ろうと取り組んでいます。クイズは、「答え」としてランダムに 3 つのキーを取得します。次に、クイズは選択された 3 つのキーの値を取得し、それを「質問」として使用します。random.sample を引数として使用して、ランダムに選択されたキー値から値を選択しようとしています。私のコードは以下の通りです:
import random
word_drills = {'class': 'Tell Python to make a new kind of thing.',
'object': 'Two meanings: the most basic kind of thing, and any instance of some thing.',
'instance': 'What you get when you tell Python to create a class.',
'def': 'How you define a function inside a class.',
'self': 'Inside the functions in a class, self is a variable for the instance/object being accessed.',
'inheritance': 'The concept that one class can inherit traits from another class, much like you and your parents.',
'composition': 'The concept that a class can be composed of other classes as parts, much like how a car has wheels.',
'attribute': 'A property classes have that are from composition and are usually variables.',
'is-a': 'A phrase to say that something inherits from another, as in a Salmon *** Fish',
'has-a': 'A phrase to say that something is composed of other things or has a trait, as in a Salmon *** mouth.'}
def nodupchoice():
key1, key2, key3 = random.sample(word_drills, 3)
print "%s, %s, %s" % (key1, key2, key3)
#print word_drills.random.sample[key1, key2, key3]
#print word_drills[key1]
#print word_drills[random.sample(key1, key2, key3)]
import random
word_drills = {'class': 'Tell Python to make a new kind of thing.',
'object': 'Two meanings: the most basic kind of thing, and any instance of some thing.',
'instance': 'What you get when you tell Python to create a class.',
'def': 'How you define a function inside a class.',
'self': 'Inside the functions in a class, self is a variable for the instance/object being accessed.',
'inheritance': 'The concept that one class can inherit traits from another class, much like you and your parents.',
'composition': 'The concept that a class can be composed of other classes as parts, much like how a car has wheels.',
'attribute': 'A property classes have that are from composition and are usually variables.',
'is-a': 'A phrase to say that something inherits from another, as in a Salmon *** Fish',
'has-a': 'A phrase to say that something is composed of other things or has a trait, as in a Salmon *** mouth.'}
def nodupchoice():
# For loop that creates a list named keys. It grabs 3 random keys from the dictionary word_drills
keys = [x for x in random.sample(word_drills, 3)]
# User is presented with a question. A value from the previous randomly selected keys is selected as the 'question'
print "Question: ", word_drills[random.choice(keys)]
# Set the variables key1, key2, & key3 to the 3 keys in the list 'keys'
key1, key2, key3 = keys[0], keys[1], keys[2]
# User is presented with 3 choices.
print "\n\n(a)%s (b)%s (c)%s" % (key1, key2, key3)
selection = raw_input("> ")
print selection
私が今解読しようとしている問題は次のようになります: 辞書 word_drills にあるものに対してユーザーの選択をチェックする方法。if/else を使用する予定でした。それが正しければ、それはあなたに通知します。そうでなければ、あなたは間違っていました。ただし、これにアプローチする方法がわかりません。皆様のご支援に改めて感謝申し上げます。