I'm working on integrating Stripe's webhooks into a Rails app using https://github.com/integrallis/stripe_event. I'm struggling to get my code to working according to the example in the gem's docs whereby an initializer is used to dictate which code responds to a particular event. It seems that Rails isn't (auto)loading my module in the initializer.
I'm configuring the autoload path properly:
# config/application.rb
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
The stripe initializer:
stripe_config = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config', 'stripe.yml'))[Rails.env]
Stripe.api_key = stripe_config["secret_key"]
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY = stripe_config["publishable_key"]
StripeEvent.setup do
# Not sure if I need this to load my module
require 'stripe_event_handlers' # => true
subscribe 'customer.subscription.created' do |event|
StripeEventHanders.handle_customer_subscription_created(event) # Define subscriber behavior
Here's my custom module (though I've tried it as a class too):
module StripeEventHandlers
def handle_customer_subscription_created(event) # Define subscriber behavior
puts event
This is my test:
require 'test_helper'
# --- Run this in the console to get event response for mocking ---
#serialized_object = YAML::dump(Stripe::Event.retrieve('evt_0Cizt88YP0nCle'))
#filename = Rails.root.join('test/fixtures/stripe_objects', 'customer_subscription_created.yml')
#File.open(filename, 'w') {|f| f.write(serialized_object) }
class StripeEvent::WebhookControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
def test_mock_event
event_id = 'evt_0Cizt88YP0nCle'
event = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('test/fixtures/stripe_objects', 'customer_subscription_created.yml'))
assert_equal Stripe::Event.retrieve(event_id), event
def test_customer_subscription_created_webhook
event_id = 'evt_0Cizt88YP0nCle'
event = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('test/fixtures/stripe_objects', 'customer_subscription_created.yml'))
# This should be a raw post request but that doesn't seem to come through
# on the stripe_event / rails side in the params hash. For testing
# purposes, we can just use a get request as the route doesn't specify an
# HTTP method.
get :event, :use_route => :stripe_event, :id => event_id
assert_response :success
And here's my test result failure:
ERROR (0:00:00.043) test_customer_subscription_created_webhook
uninitialized constant StripeEventHanders
@ config/initializers/stripe.rb:10:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
PASS (0:00:00.053) test_mock_event
Finished in 0.055477 seconds.
2 tests, 1 passed, 0 failures, 1 errors, 0 skips, 2 assertions