4 に答える
Have you tried parsing the serialized bit in to a string in your PHP
before saving it to the database?
parse_str($_POST['field_name'], $php_variable_name);
and use $php_variable_name
in your insert query?
Hope this helps :-)
JQuery internally uses encodeURIComponent, all data is transferred in UTF-8 anyway. Try again the iconv, but with the UTF-8 converter.
$f = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', $_POST['f']);
Note that MySql does another conversion for all passed data.
Seems that Javascript's encodeURIComponent() encode characters differently than an actual form submition. Ended up re-writing javascript encodeURIComponent function to solve this... Not the most performant solution, but no other solutions presented themselves:
var encodeURIComponent = ( function() {
var encodeURIComponentOriginal = encodeURIComponent;
return function ( input ) {
var toReplace = [
var replaceWith = [
'%82', // ‚
'%85', // …
'%91', // '
'%92', // '
'%93', // "
'%94', // "
'%96', // –
'%97', // —
'%99', // ™
'%A9', // ©
'%AE', // ®
var output = encodeURIComponentOriginal( input );
var length = toReplace.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
var regexp = new RegExp( toReplace[i], 'g' );
output = output.replace( regexp , replaceWith[i] );
return output;
} )();