私は C++ を初めて使用し、これは私が作成した最初のプログラムのようなもので、Visual C++ 2010 Express を使用しました。重量換算の物です。if ループ、else if ループ、else があります。コードは次のとおりです。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
float ay,bee;
char char1;
cout << "Welcome to the Ounce To Gram Converter" << endl << "Would you like to convert [O]unces To Grams or [G]rams To Ounces?" << endl;
cin >> char1;
if (char1 = "G" ||"g"){
cout << "How many grams would you like to convert?" << endl;
cin >> bee;
cout << bee << " grams is equal to: " << bee*0.035274 << " ounces." << endl; goto start;
else if (char1 = "o"||"O"){
cout << "How many ounces would you like to convert" << endl;
cin >> ay;
cout << ay << " ounces is equal to: " << ay/0.035274 << " grams." << endl; goto start;
cout << "Error 365457 The character you entered is to retarded to comprehend" << endl;
goto start;
return 0;
if (char1 = "G" ||"g"){
cout << "How many grams would you like to convert?" << endl;
cin >> bee;
cout << bee << " grams is equal to: " << bee*0.035274 << " ounces." << endl; goto start;
if (char1 = "G" ||"g"){
cout << "How many grams would you like to convert?" << endl;
cin >> bee;
cout << bee << " grams is equal to: " << bee*0.035274 << " ounces." << endl; goto start;
else if (char1 = "o"||"O"){
cout << "How many ounces would you like to convert" << endl;
cin >> ay;
cout << ay << " ounces is equal to: " << ay/0.035274 << " grams." << endl; goto start;
if (char1 = "G" ||"g"){
cout << "How many grams would you like to convert?" << endl;
cin >> bee;
cout << bee << " grams is equal to: " << bee*0.035274 << " ounces." << endl; goto start;
cout << "Error 365457 The character you entered is to retarded to comprehend" << endl;
goto start;