私は、お互いを信頼していない 2 つのクライアント間で既知の値 (トランプのデッキなど) の配列をシャッフルする方法を探しています。
for each item in array:
A tells B random number to use (Ra1) <~ prevent B from using pre-calculated password
B creates secret random number, and shows hash to A <~ can prove this number is used
B adds his own secret random number (Ra1+Rb1) <~ prevent A from using pre-calculated password
B encrypts a random array value using the combined password (Ra1+Rb1), removing from the stack
B gives encrypted value to A
A re-encrypts the value <~ prevent B from recognizing his package later
A stores at random index in new array of unknown items
A shows the full array to B <~ B can be confident that the array will not be tampered with
A does not know what is in each package, nor does B
B can now choose a package for himself, and A can then provide the password for that package, allowing B to recognize his package, and know the contents.
A can also choose a package, and request the key to unlock it form B.
After all transactions are agreed, and secrecy is no longer required, all secrets are revealed by both parties, who can both then verify the contents of the boxes
理想的には、少なくとも 2 人の利害関係者が相互に情報を提供している限り、デックとカードをすべての関係者が後で検証できるように、2 つの信頼できない関係者の間でカードのデッキをシャッフルするアルゴリズムが必要です。最後に秘密。