現在の向き (クォータニオン) と現在の位置を使用して、カメラのビュー マトリックスを作成しています。
void Camera::updateViewMatrix()
view = glm::gtx::quaternion::toMat4(orientation);
// Include rotation (Free Look Camera)
view[3][0] = -glm::dot(glm::vec3(view[0][0], view[0][1], view[0][2]), position);
view[3][1] = -glm::dot(glm::vec3(view[1][0], view[1][1], view[1][2]), position);
view[3][2] = -glm::dot(glm::vec3(view[2][0], view[2][1], view[2][2]), position);
// Ignore rotation (FPS Camera)
//view[3][0] = -position.x;
//view[3][1] = -position.y;
//view[3][2] = -position.z;
view[3][3] = 1.0f;
現在のマウスの位置と画面の中心との差を利用してカメラを回転させています (フレームごとにマウスの位置をリセットします)
int xPos;
int yPos;
glfwGetMousePos(&xPos, &yPos);
int centreX = 800 / 2;
int centreY = 600 / 2;
rotate(xPos - centreX, yPos - centreY);
// Reset mouse position for next frame
glfwSetMousePos(800 / 2, 600 / 2);
void Camera::rotate(float yawDegrees, float pitchDegrees)
// Apply rotation speed to the rotation
yawDegrees *= lookSensitivity;
pitchDegrees *= lookSensitivity;
if (isLookInverted)
pitchDegrees = -pitchDegrees;
pitchAccum += pitchDegrees;
// Stop the camera from looking any higher than 90 degrees
if (pitchAccum > 90.0f)
//pitchDegrees = 90.0f - (pitchAccum - pitchDegrees);
pitchAccum = 90.0f;
// Stop the camera from looking any lower than 90 degrees
if (pitchAccum < -90.0f)
//pitchDegrees = -90.0f - (pitchAccum - pitchDegrees);
pitchAccum = -90.0f;
yawAccum += yawDegrees;
if (yawAccum > 360.0f)
yawAccum -= 360.0f;
if (yawAccum < -360.0f)
yawAccum += 360.0f;
float yaw = yawDegrees * DEG2RAD;
float pitch = pitchDegrees * DEG2RAD;
glm::quat rotation;
// Rotate the camera about the world Y axis (if mouse has moved in any x direction)
rotation = glm::gtx::quaternion::angleAxis(yaw, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
// Concatenate quaterions
orientation = orientation * rotation;
// Rotate the camera about the world X axis (if mouse has moved in any y direction)
rotation = glm::gtx::quaternion::angleAxis(pitch, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Concatenate quaternions
orientation = orientation * rotation;
範囲が[-90、90]になるように、ピッチ累積の問題を解決しました。glm は軸角度にベクトルではなく度を使用し、クォータニオン連結の乗算の順序が正しくないことが判明しました。
// Rotate the camera about the world Y axis
// N.B. 'angleAxis' method takes angle in degrees (not in radians)
rotation = glm::gtx::quaternion::angleAxis(yawDegrees, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
// Concatenate quaterions ('*' operator concatenates)
// C#: Quaternion.Concatenate(ref rotation, ref orientation)
orientation = orientation * rotation;
// Rotate the camera about the world X axis
rotation = glm::gtx::quaternion::angleAxis(pitchDegrees, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Concatenate quaterions ('*' operator concatenates)
// C#: Quaternion.Concatenate(ref orientation, ref rotation)
orientation = rotation * orientation;
残っている問題は、ビュー マトリックスの回転によって、描画されたオブジェクトが回転しているように見え、通常の FPS カメラのように見えないことです。
問題を説明するために、YouTube にビデオをアップロードしました。マウスを動かしてカメラの向きを変更しましたが、代わりに三角形が回転しているように見えます。
void Camera::rotate(float yawDegrees, float pitchDegrees)
// Apply rotation speed to the rotation
yawDegrees *= lookSensitivity;
pitchDegrees *= lookSensitivity;
if (isLookInverted)
pitchDegrees = -pitchDegrees;
pitchAccum += pitchDegrees;
// Stop the camera from looking any higher than 90 degrees
if (pitchAccum > 90.0f)
pitchDegrees = 90.0f - (pitchAccum - pitchDegrees);
pitchAccum = 90.0f;
// Stop the camera from looking any lower than 90 degrees
else if (pitchAccum < -90.0f)
pitchDegrees = -90.0f - (pitchAccum - pitchDegrees);
pitchAccum = -90.0f;
// 'pitchAccum' range is [-90, 90]
//printf("pitchAccum %f \n", pitchAccum);
yawAccum += yawDegrees;
if (yawAccum > 360.0f)
yawAccum -= 360.0f;
else if (yawAccum < -360.0f)
yawAccum += 360.0f;
orientation =
glm::gtx::quaternion::angleAxis(pitchAccum, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) *
glm::gtx::quaternion::angleAxis(yawAccum, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
glm::mat4 translation;
translation = glm::translate(translation, position);
view = glm::gtx::quaternion::toMat4(orientation) * translation;
// Rotation
view = glm::gtx::quaternion::toMat4(orientation);
// Translation
glm::mat4 translation;
translation = glm::translate(translation, -position);
view *= translation;
// Rotation
view = glm::gtx::quaternion::toMat4(orientation);
glm::vec3 p(
glm::dot(glm::vec3(view[0][0], view[0][1], view[0][2]), position),
glm::dot(glm::vec3(view[1][0], view[1][1], view[1][2]), position),
glm::dot(glm::vec3(view[2][0], view[2][1], view[2][2]), position)
// Translation
glm::mat4 translation;
translation = glm::translate(translation, -p);
view *= translation;