
内部にラベルがある境界コンテナーを含むモジュールがあります。テキストを動的に読み込んでおり、テキストでラベルを 100% の幅で埋めたいと考えています。以下の fitText 関数への参照を見つけましたが、このコードを含める方法/場所がわかりません。



いくつかのエラーが発生しています/? 以下の fitText でも同様です。

Access of undefined property FormattedTextField
Access of undefined property autoSize
Access of undefined property text
Access of undefined property width
Access of undefined property width
Access of undefined property numLines




<s:BorderContainer x="27" y="19" width="404" height="67" backgroundColor="#111">
        <s:Label id="hlText" x="54" y="5" width="307" height="55"  fontSize="55" styleName="HeadBanner"

http://fld-as3-samples-cn.googlecode.com/svn-history/r29/trunk/NewsLayout/src/com/example/programmingas3/newslayout/HeadlineTextField.asによる fitText

package com.v1
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
import flash.text.TextLineMetrics;
import flash.text.TextField;

 * Changes the size of the text to fit a given width and number of lines.
 * Useful for news headlines that should extend across a full column.
 * We need to know:
 * - which font family, weight, and style to use
 * - the max width of the headline
 * - the max height in pixels of the headline
 * - the max number of lines
 * Algorithm 1:
 * - figure out the N-width of a character that should work based on pixelWidth / numChars
 * - translate that N-width into a point size
 * - try the point size, if outside of tolerance,; 
 *   - if too wide, adjust down a point, try again
 *   - if too small, adjust up a point, try again
 *   - if too wide last time, too small this time or vice versa, stick with the too small size
 * Pixels per character (width-wise) is roughly 1/2 the point size, so that's a good starting
 * point. So to get a starting point size, divide the overall width by the number of characters
 * to get pixels-per-character, then double to get the point size.
public class fitText extends FormattedTextField

    public static var MIN_POINT_SIZE:uint = 6;
    public static var MAX_POINT_SIZE:uint = 128;

    public function HeadlineTextField(tf:TextFormat = null) 
        this.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;

    public function fitText(msg:String, maxLines:uint = 1, toUpper:Boolean = false, targetWidth:Number = -1):uint
        this.text = toUpper ? msg.toUpperCase() : msg;

        if (targetWidth == -1)
            targetWidth = this.width;

        var pixelsPerChar:Number = targetWidth / msg.length;

        var pointSize:Number = Math.min(MAX_POINT_SIZE, Math.round(pixelsPerChar * 1.8 * maxLines));

        if (pointSize < 6)
            // the point size is too small
            return pointSize;


        if (this.numLines > maxLines)
            return shrinkText(--pointSize, maxLines);
            return growText(pointSize, maxLines);

    public function growText(pointSize:Number, maxLines:uint = 1):Number
        if (pointSize >= MAX_POINT_SIZE)
            return pointSize;

        this.changeSize(pointSize + 1);

        if (this.numLines > maxLines)
            // set it back to the last size
            return pointSize;
            return growText(pointSize + 1, maxLines);

    public function shrinkText(pointSize:Number, maxLines:uint=1):Number
        if (pointSize <= MIN_POINT_SIZE)
            return pointSize;


        if (this.numLines > maxLines)
            return shrinkText(pointSize - 1, maxLines);
            return pointSize;

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