I get a List like this, one Object per row holding plain strings:

Vehicle, Name, Property, Value
Car, VW, Tires, 4
Car, VW, Doors, 4
Car, Porsche, Tires, 4
Car, Porsche, Doors, 2
Car, Porsche, Color, Red
Plane, A340, Tires, 12
Plane, A340, Color, White
Plane, A750, Doors, 6
Forklift, ABC345, Color, Orange
... and so on

I want to return that as JSON in the form of:

"Car" : {
     "VW":{ "Tires" : "4", "Doors": "4"},
     "Porsche":{ "Tires" : "4", "Doors": "2" }
     "A340":{ "Tires" : "12", "Color" : "White" },
     "A750":{ "Doors" : "6" }
"Forklift" : {
     "ABC345": { "Color" : "Orange" }

I tried using a weird

HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>>

but to be honest, I don't know how to set this up correctly. When I iterate over the list and write to the HashMap, Property and Value always get overwritten, so my result looks like this:

"Car" : {
     "Porsche":{ "Tires" : "4" }
     "A750":{ "Doors" : "6" }
"Forklift" : {
     "ABC345": { "Color" : "Orange" }

I'm fairly new to Java and don't know how the handle this kind of nested Maps.

I mean, asking for being pampered is a bit embarrassing, but maybe someone can show me how to do this in a correct way.

Edit: here how I add values, I haven't pasted this part of the code as I don't know HOW to check and decide what to do.

HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>> vehiclesData = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>>();

for( VehicleReportRow vehicleReportRow : unpreparedRows ){
    String vehicle = vehicleReportRow.getVehicle();
    String name = vehicleReportRow.getName();
    String property = vehicleReportRow.getProperty();
    String value = vehicleReportRow.getValue();

    //the most inner dataset
    HashMap<String,String> propAndVal = new HashMap<String, String>();
   propAndVal.put(property, value);

    //the middle dataset            
    HashMap<String, HashMap<String,String>> nameToProps = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String,String>>();
    nameToProps.put(name, propAndVal);

    //and finally the outer dataset
    vehiclesData.put(vehicle, nameToProps);

2 に答える 2



1: "Car" : {
2:     "VW":{ 
3:         "Tires" : "4", "Doors": "4"
           "Tires" : "4", "Doors": "2" 
于 2012-08-29T16:17:33.760 に答える


for( VehicleReportRow vehicleReportRow : unpreparedRows ){
    String vehicle = vehicleReportRow.getVehicle();
    String name = vehicleReportRow.getName();
    String property = vehicleReportRow.getProperty();
    String value = vehicleReportRow.getValue();

    // check if we have an outermost entry for this vehicle type and if not then
    // create one and store it in vehiclesData so that next time we can get the same
    // map for this vehicle type
    HashMap<String, HashMap<String,String>> nameToProps = vehiclesData.get(vehicle);;
    if (nameToProps == null) {
        nameToProps = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String,String>>();
        vehiclesData.put(vehicle, nameToProps);

    // similarly, check if we already have a props to values map for this name
    // and create and store one if not
    HashMap<String,String> propAndVal = nameToProps.get(name);
    if (propAndVal == null) {
        propAndVal = new HashMap<String, String>();
        nameToProps.put(name, propAndVal);

    // store the property and value
    propAndVal.put(property, value);


于 2012-08-29T17:58:30.423 に答える