私は常に cpp ファイル (*.cc) をtcl
ファイルとして認識するシステム (Linux) を使用しています。ファイルの種類はわかりませんが、上書きしたかったのです。手動で行うと、正しい構文の強調表示が選択されます:set ft=cpp
vim ヘルプから ( :help ftplugin-override
If a global filetype plugin does not do exactly what you want, there are three
ways to change this:
1. Add a few settings.
You must create a new filetype plugin in a directory early in
'runtimepath'. For Unix, for example you could use this file:
vim ~/.vim/ftplugin/fortran.vim
You can set those settings and mappings that you would like to add. Note
that the global plugin will be loaded after this, it may overrule the
settings that you do here. If this is the case, you need to use one of the
following two methods.
<file> .vim/ftplugin/tcl.vim
set filetype=cpp
"au BufRead,BufNewFile * set filetype=cpp
最初の行は( return cpp ) を正しく設定してい:set ft?
ますが、構文の強調表示は私が言ったのと同じではありません。それはまだ構文の強調表示です。2 行目は何もしません。:set ft=cpp
2. Make a copy of the plugin and change it.
You must put the copy in a directory early in 'runtimepath'. For Unix, for
example, you could do this:
cp $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/fortran.vim ~/.vim/ftplugin/fortran.vim
Then you can edit the copied file to your liking. Since the b:did_ftplugin
variable will be set, the global plugin will not be loaded.
A disadvantage of this method is that when the distributed plugin gets
improved, you will have to copy and modify it again.
3. Overrule the settings after loading the global plugin.
You must create a new filetype plugin in a directory from the end of
'runtimepath'. For Unix, for example, you could use this file:
vim ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/fortran.vim
In this file you can change just those settings that you want to change.