EXPONENTIAL PRECISION で印刷する方法はありますか? いくつかのデータを小さな数字で埋めて、後でそれらを比較する必要があります....
(0) - Mesured estimatedTime for multithread in block: 1.4917951E16 s
(1) - Mesured estimatedTime for multithread in block: 7.531891E15 s
(2) - Mesured estimatedTime for multithread in block: 2.9287E13 s
(3) - Mesured estimatedTime for multithread in block: 3.28478435E17 s
(4) - Mesured estimatedTime for multithread in block: 6.038E12 s
(0) - Mesured estimatedTime for original in block: 0000.15595175E15 s
(1) - Mesured estimatedTime for original in block: 0007.335638E15 s
(2) - Mesured estimatedTime for original in block: 0416.66E15 s
(3) - Mesured estimatedTime for original in block: 0000.0390156852E15 s
(4) - Mesured estimatedTime for original in block: 6642.0E15 s
// Force minimum number of digits to left and right of decimal point
formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.0E0");
s = formatter.format(-1234.567); // -1.2E3
しかし、Expo-Precision に強制する方法がわかりません :((( ヘルプ!! :/