目標:PHP / CodeIgniterを使用して、ユーザーのリストと、使用可能な配列内のユーザーのカスタムフィールド名と値を取得する必要があります。アイテムにたどり着くことができれば、必要なことをすることができます。「//<<<」の注記が付いたOUTPUTを参照して、私が行き詰まっている場所を確認してください。私はただダン[@attributes]を通り抜けることができません。
Models / Employees_model.php:
require_once ('ActiveResource.php');
class Employees_model extends ActiveResource {
var $site = 'http://user:password@localhost:8080/redmine/';
var $element_name = 'user';
var $request_format = 'xml';
function __construct() {
controllers / employees.php:
public function employees () {
$employees = new Employees_model();
$data['employeeList'] = $employees->find('all');
$this->load->view('customers/ajaxEmployees', $data);
view / ajaxEmployees.php:
//I can get the following with no problem
echo $employee->id . "<br/>";
echo $employee->firstname . "<br/>";
echo $employee->lastname . "<br/>";
//This is where I'm stuck (see OUTPUT for [@attributes] and "// <<<" notes)
echo $employee->custom_fields->custom_field;
[0] => Employees_model Object
[id] =>
[site] => http://user:password@localhost:8080/redmine/
[element_name] => user
[request_format] => xml
[extra_params] =>
[user] =>
[password] =>
[element_name_plural] => users
[_data] => Array
[id] => 16
[login] => jschmoe
[firstname] => Joe
[lastname] => Schmoe
[mail] => joe@example.com
[created_on] => 2012-08-24T01:58:21Z
[last_login_on] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[custom_fields] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[@attributes] => Array
[type] => array
[custom_field] => Array
[0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[@attributes] => Array
[name] => Quality Control //<<< I need this
[id] => 2
[value] => 1 //<<< I need this to know that QualityControl = 1
[1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[@attributes] => Array
[name] => Technical Contractor // <<< I need this
[id] => 3
[value] => 0 // <<< I need this to know that TechnicalContractor = 0
[2] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[@attributes] => Array
[name] => Content //<<< I need this
[id] => 4
[value] => 0 // <<< I need this to know Content = 1