i want to define "Hayt" class constraint for "hede" method.
is there a way for define constraint like
Hayt<?> or Hayt<extends Huyt>
this is the test code
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Hayt<Huyt> asd1 = new Hayt<Huyt>();
Hayt<Huyt2> asd2 = new Hayt<Huyt2>();
//there arent any problem here
//runtime error
static T hede<T>(T vede)
where T : Hayt<Huyt>
return vede;
public class Hayt<T>
where T : Huyt
public class Huyt
public class Huyt2 : Huyt
and its possible like this
static void Main(string[] args)
Hayt<Huyt> asd1 = new Hayt<Huyt>();
Hayt<Huyt2> asd2 = new Hayt<Huyt2>();
hede<Hayt<Huyt>, Huyt>(asd1);
hede<Hayt<Huyt2>, Huyt2>(asd2);
static T hede<T, B>(T vede)
where B : Huyt
where T : Hayt<B>
return vede;
but i think there are probably better off solution
sorry for my bad english.