I need to execute a command from my Perl script, which is going to take a while (1-2 hours). I want to be able to see the output of the command, so that my script can check everything went OK, but as it takes such a long time, I'd like the user to see the commands output while it runs, too.

What I've tried:

  • backticks - Can only get output when command is finished
  • system - Can only get output when command is finished
  • open - Almost perfect - but the commands output is buffered, meaning users don't see an update for a long time. Internet is full of suggestions to set $| = 1 but apparently this only affects input buffering and doesn't work
  • Piping to tee - Similar results to open - 'tee' only seems to print later
  • Re-directing output and Using Proc::Background and File::Tail - Almost perfect again, but can't think of an elegant way to stop the print loop

Would love to have a suggestion!

Edit: I've accepted Barmars answer. I believe it works because Expect.pm uses a pseudo-terminal. Just to others looking at this question in future, this is how I've implemented it:

my $process = Expect->spawn($command, @params) or die "Cannot spawn $command: $!\n";

while ($process->expect(undef))
  print $process->before();

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于 2012-09-03T09:14:42.877 に答える