私はこのガイドに従っています: http://www.mazeworks.com/mazegen/mazetut/index.htm
create a CellStack (LIFO) to hold a list of cell locations set TotalCells = number of cells in grid choose a cell at random and call it CurrentCell set VisitedCells = 1 while VisitedCells < TotalCells find all neighbors of CurrentCell with all walls intact if one or more found choose one at random knock down the wall between it and CurrentCell push CurrentCell location on the CellStack make the new cell CurrentCell add 1 to VisitedCells else pop the most recent cell entry off the CellStack make it CurrentCell endIf endWhile
List<Location> visitedCells = new ArrayList<Location>();
Then do I grab with visitedCells.get(visitedCells.size()-1)?
Location には x、y、z が格納されます。私があなたに尋ねようとしているものではありません。