I need some help with conditions on left join, my query is as follows

declare @emp table (id int, name varchar(100))
insert into @emp values (1,'Emp1')
insert into @emp values (2,'Emp2')
insert into @emp values (3,'Emp3')
insert into @emp values (4,'Emp4')
insert into @emp values (5,'Emp5')

--selecT * from @emp

declare @salary table(salaryid int, empid int, salary decimal(10,2))
insert into @Salary values (3,3,10000)
insert into @Salary values (4,4,15000)
insert into @Salary values (3,5,10000)

declare @oldsalary table(oldsalaryid int, empid int, oldsalary decimal(10,2))
insert into @oldsalary values (1,1,20000)
insert into @oldsalary values (2,2,25000)

--select * from @Salary
--select * from @oldsalary

declare @rating table (salaryid int, rating varchar(10))
insert into @rating values (4, 'D')
insert into @rating values (3, 'C')
insert into @rating values (1, 'B')
insert into @rating values (2, 'A')
--select * from @rating 

select e.id, e.name, isnull(os.oldsalary, s.salary) salary, r.rating from @emp e 
left join @salary s on e.id=s.empid
left join @oldsalary os on e.id=os.empid
left join @Rating r on r.salaryid = isnull(os.oldsalaryid, s.salaryid)

and this is the output

id  name    salary  rating
1   Emp1    20000   B
2   Emp2    25000   A
3   Emp3    10000   C
4   Emp4    15000   D
5   Emp5    10000   C

As you can see from the query, if oldsalaryid is null then salaryid is used to join the rating table. So the left join is completely based on the value of the column. Is this the proper approach, by looking at the data everything seems to be showing correctly. Can I use this query?


1 に答える 1


基本的にSQLServerに指示しているのは、@empテーブルからすべてのvalueseを返すことです。次に、@ empテーブルに一致する@salaryテーブルのすべてのアイテムがプルインされます。その後、@empテーブルの値に一致する@oldsalaryテーブルのすべての値がプルインされます。 @評価テーブル。


于 2012-09-05T13:42:00.710 に答える