しかし、私を混乱させるのは使用法です。getInstance を呼び出す必要はありませんか?
var mySingleton = (function () {
// Instance stores a reference to the Singleton
var instance;
function init() {
// Singleton
// Private methods and variables
function privateMethod(){
console.log( "I am private" );
var privateVariable = "Im also private";
return {
// Public methods and variables
publicMethod: function () {
console.log( "The public can see me!" );
publicProperty: "I am also public"
return {
// Get the Singleton instance if one exists
// or create one if it doesn't
getInstance: function () {
if ( !instance ) {
instance = init();
return instance;
// Usage:
var singleA = mySingleton;
var singleB = mySingleton;
console.log( singleA === singleB ); // true