I have python 2.5 on a Windows XP computer. I want to create a video (preferably a AVI) from a list of images. I would also like to be able to add sound to the video. I have tried modules like pymedia (keeps crashing), pyFFMPEG (gived DLL NOT FOUND ImportError), pyglet (only displays videos), and OpenCV (would not install). I am want to compile my program into a windows executable with py2exe and I would be willing to use an external program if that program could be redistributed through my program and it could be Popened when the program is compiled. It would be nice if the program was compatible with PIL or pygame images, but if not I could probably work around that. If there is one out there like this, or if you can help me get PyFFMPEG to work with python 2.5, that would be great. Thanks!