//a class that will hold an int inside
public class myIntWrapper
//this is the value wrapper holds
public int theValue;
//constructor taking the value
public myIntWrapper(int argument)
theValue = argument;
//operator to convert an int into brand-new myIntWrapper class
public static implicit operator myIntWrapper(int argument)
return new myIntWrapper(argument);
//operator to convert a myIntWrapper class into an int
public static implicit operator int(myIntWrapper wrapper)
return wrapper.theValue;
//create an array -
//setting values to every item in array works
//thanks to operator myIntWrapper(int argument)
myIntWrapper[] myArray = new myIntWrapper[5]{1,2,3,4,5};
//now take a "reference"
myIntWrapper rr = myArray[1];
//change the value
rr.theValue = 500;
//from now on myArray[1].theValue is 500;
//thanks to operator int(myIntWrapper wrapper)
//you can write:
int ss = rr;//it works!
rr = 600;
rr.theValue = 500;//this changes the value somewhere
rr = myArray[3];//this changes where rr is "pointing" to