64 bit Excel VBA has a nasty habit of converting array dates to numbers when that array is assigned to a range. 32 bit VBA, on the other hand, preserves the date format.
Here's a quick bit of example code to demonstrate the different date handling:
Sub test()
Dim arr(0 to 1) As Variant
arr(0) = "Text"
arr(1) = #9/12/2007#
ActiveSheet.Range("A1:B1") = arr
End Sub
(Note that the dates are not converted in 64 bit Excel if a single date value is used; it is necessary to have the first text value present)
When run in 32 bit Excel, the output is Text, 9/12/2007
When run in 64 bit Excel, the output is Text, 39337
It is as though 64 bit VBA only uses the Value2 property for all range objects.
How can I get 64 bit VBA to behave like 32 bit VBA without writing a function to handle all array writes?
Just to head off a possible well-intentioned response: I am aware that the underlying formula remains the same between those cells. 32 bit Excel, however, automatically sets the proper cells to a date format which greatly simplifies my code.