



1 に答える 1


Try to delegate presenting the modal to a view controller - either by posting notifications on duplicates (gives you flexibility in which view controller presents) or defining a delegate protocol. This will keep your model separate from your view, preserving the MVC architecture of your app.

EDIT: using blocks for delegation is a fine approach in my view. I would just adjust your API to take a block to be performed in case of a duplicate, and have your modal take another block to handle the selection from many. That will probably give you maximum flexibility.

EDIT2: Based on understanding of your current API, I'd recommend this:

- (void)searchForItemWithString:(NSString *)searchString completionBlock:(librarianDidSelectItemBlock)block multiSelectBlock:(librarianMultiSelectBlock);

Furthermore I'd design your modal view controller to take a completion block as well.

于 2012-09-11T17:24:55.913 に答える