If Page.IsPostBack = False Then
' If prospect is coming from unique url
Dim prospect_url As String = Page.RouteData.Values("value")
' Save prospect_url into session variable
Session("prospect_url") = prospect_url
Using dbContext As IRFEntities = New IRFEntities
' Prepopulate the states dropdown.
Dim getStates = (From p In dbContext.IRF_States _
Order By p.name _
Select p)
ddlState.DataSource = getStates
ddlState.DataTextField = "name"
ddlState.DataValueField = "id"
' Grab info. about prospect based on unique url.
Dim getProspect = (From p In dbContext.IRF_Prospects _
Where p.url = prospect_url _
Select p).FirstOrDefault
' If they have a record...
If getProspect IsNot Nothing Then
'If IsDBNull(getProspect.user_id) Then
If getProspect.user_id Is Nothing Then
' Prepopulate the form with their information.
' These must have a value, so we need to make sure that no column is null in the database.
txtFirst.Text = getProspect.first_name
txtLast.Text = getProspect.last_name
txtAddress.Text = getProspect.address
txtCity.Text = getProspect.city
ddlState.SelectedValue = getProspect.state
txtZip.Text = getProspect.zip
txtPhone.Text = getProspect.phone
txtEmail.Text = getProspect.email_address
txtYearEnrolling.Text = getProspect.enrolling_in
' Redirect them to login.
End If
End If
End Using
End If
次に、 ddlState.DataBind() のすぐ下に次を追加しました。
' Prepopulate the programs dropdown.
Dim getPrograms = (From p In dbContext.IRF_Program _
Order By p.name _
Select p)
ddlProgram.DataSource = getPrograms
ddlProgram.DataTextField = "name"
ddlProgram.DataValueField = "id"
ObjectContext インスタンスは破棄され、接続を必要とする操作には使用できなくなりました