基本的に、エクスポートする必要があるシートを選択してから、ExportData() を実行します。
- ソース データの最初の 2 つの空の行を削除します。
- 「NO NAME」でデータを並べ替える - これにより、GEP/NEP の合計が簡単になります
- リストを調べて、ユーザー定義型の配列を作成し (「NO NAME」ごとに必要なすべての情報が含まれています)、必要に応じて値を合計します。
- 新しいワークブックを作成し、配列を反復処理してそこにデータをエクスポートします
Option Explicit
Public Enum SourceColumns
OperatingUnit = 1
End Enum
Public Enum DestinationColumns
rptLob = 1
End Enum
Public Type rptLob
Name As String
GEP As Long
NEP As Long
End Type
Public Sub ExportData()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim sh As Excel.Worksheet
Dim rptLobs() As rptLob
Set sh = ActiveSheet
Call removeTwoRows(sh)
Call sortNoNameColumn(sh)
rptLobs = getRptLOBs(sh)
Call exportToNewWorkbook(rptLobs)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub removeTwoRows(ByRef sh As Excel.Worksheet)
End Sub
Private Sub sortNoNameColumn(ByRef sh As Excel.Worksheet)
With sh.AutoFilter
.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=sh.Cells(1, SourceColumns.NoName) _
, SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
With .Sort
.Header = xlYes
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
End With
End Sub
Private Function getRptLOBs(ByRef sh As Excel.Worksheet) As rptLob()
Dim rptLobs() As rptLob
Dim i As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim curRptLOB As Long
lastRow = sh.Cells(sh.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
i = 2
Dim firstRptLOB As rptLob
' set first values
firstRptLOB.Name = sh.Cells(i, SourceColumns.NoName).Value
firstRptLOB.GEP = sh.Cells(i, SourceColumns.GEP).Value
firstRptLOB.NEP = sh.Cells(i, SourceColumns.NEP).Value
ReDim rptLobs(0)
rptLobs(curRptLOB) = firstRptLOB
For i = 3 To lastRow
If (sh.Cells(i, SourceColumns.NoName).Value <> rptLobs(curRptLOB).Name) Then
' get a new rptLOB
Dim newRptLOB As rptLob
' set first values
newRptLOB.Name = sh.Cells(i, SourceColumns.NoName).Value
newRptLOB.GEP = sh.Cells(i, SourceColumns.GEP).Value
newRptLOB.NEP = sh.Cells(i, SourceColumns.NEP).Value
curRptLOB = curRptLOB + 1
ReDim Preserve rptLobs(curRptLOB)
rptLobs(curRptLOB) = newRptLOB
' add data to it
rptLobs(curRptLOB).GEP = rptLobs(curRptLOB).GEP + sh.Cells(i, SourceColumns.GEP).Value
rptLobs(curRptLOB).NEP = rptLobs(curRptLOB).NEP + sh.Cells(i, SourceColumns.NEP).Value
End If
getRptLOBs = rptLobs
End Function
Private Sub exportToNewWorkbook(ByRef rptLobs() As rptLob)
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim sh As Excel.Worksheet
Dim index As Long
Dim curRow As Long
Set wb = Application.Workbooks.Add
Set sh = wb.Sheets(1)
' Create Headers
sh.Cells(1, DestinationColumns.rptLob).Value = "RptLOB"
sh.Cells(1, DestinationColumns.ECMAccount).Value = "ECMAccount"
sh.Cells(1, DestinationColumns.Amount).Value = "Amount"
' fill data
For curRow = 2 To (UBound(rptLobs) + 1) * 2 + 1 Step 2 ' <-- double the amount of RptLOBs for GEP/NEP
sh.Cells(curRow, DestinationColumns.rptLob).Value = rptLobs(index).Name
sh.Cells(curRow, DestinationColumns.ECMAccount).Value = "GEP"
sh.Cells(curRow, DestinationColumns.Amount).Value = rptLobs(index).GEP
sh.Cells(curRow + 1, DestinationColumns.rptLob).Value = rptLobs(index).Name
sh.Cells(curRow + 1, DestinationColumns.ECMAccount).Value = "NEP"
sh.Cells(curRow + 1, DestinationColumns.Amount).Value = rptLobs(index).NEP
index = index + 1
End Sub