シリーズの長方形の丸めを実行する VBA プラグイン関数を作成します。私の VBA メソッドでは、数式/VBA メソッドを含むセルの上に空のセルがあるかどうかを検出したいと思います。しかし、メソッドで ActiveCell を使用すると、Excel は循環参照を訴え、メソッドの戻り値ではなく 0 を返します。方法の例:
Function MovingAverageSmooth(r As Range, m As Integer)
' returns a smoothed average using the 'rectangular' method
Dim cStart As Long, x As Long, total As Double, activeColumn As Long
Dim vc As Long, vr As Long, count As Double, beforeCount As Long, afterCount As Long
vc = r.Column
vr = r.Row
rStart = Max(1, vr - m)
currentValue = Cells(vr, vc).Value
activeColumn = ActiveCell.Column
For x = rStart To vr + m
If Application.IsNumber(Cells(x, vc).Value) Then
total = total + Cells(x, vc).Value
count = count + 1
If Application.IsNumber(Cells(x, activeColumn).Value) Then
If x < vr Then
beforeCount = beforeCount + 1
End If
If x > vr Then
afterCount = afterCount + 1
End If
End If
End If
MovingAverageSmooth = total / count
If afterCount = 0 Or beforeCount = 0 Or count = 0 Then
MovingAverageSmooth = currentValue
End If
End Function