私は経験豊富なプログラマーですが、LINQ / Moq / Ninject / MVC / MS Test / etcに不慣れで、理解できない問題に遭遇しました。

私はProASP.NETMVC 2 FrameworkブックからSportsStoreサンプルを作成しました(ただし、.NET 4.5 / MVC 4を使用)。私はそれを機能させ、今では実際のデータベースで機能するように変換し始めました。この時点での主な違いは、Productクラスだけでなく、ProductSubクラスもあることです。各Productクラスは1つ以上のProductSubで構成されており、これをEntitySetアソシエーションで定義しました。CartControllerにカートに追加するProductSubを認識させるために、CartController.AddToCartを変更してproductIdではなくproductSubIdを取得することにしました。

Webサイトを実行し、手動で[製品の追加]をクリックすると、すべてが正常に機能しているようです。ただし、単体テストを実行すると、cart.Lines [0]がnullであるため、NullReferenceExceptionが発生します。CartControllerにエラーがあるとは思わないので、Webページを実行すると機能するようです。また、FakeProductsRepository(ProductSubIDを追加するように変更)を使用して、これを引き起こすMoqを除外しようとしました(これは役に立たなかったので、私はしませんエラーがMoqと関係があるとは思わない)。


productsRepository.ProductSubs.FirstOrDefault(ps => ps.ProductSubID == productSubId);

そこで、CartControllerをハードコーディングして、代わりにLINQ totheProductが機能するかどうかを確認しました。つまり、productsRepositoryにはProductがありますが、何らかの理由でProductにはProductSubがありません。私は今のところ正しいですか?


new Product { ProductID = 2, ProductSubs = new List<ProductSub> { new ProductSub { ProductSubID = 456} } }



    public void Can_Add_Product_To_Cart()
        // Arrange: Give a repository with some products...
        var mockProductsRepository = UnitTestHelpers.MockProductsRepository(
            new Product { ProductID = 1, ProductSubs = new List<ProductSub> { new ProductSub { ProductSubID = 123 } } },
            new Product { ProductID = 2, ProductSubs = new List<ProductSub> { new ProductSub { ProductSubID = 456 } } }

        var cartController = new CartController(mockProductsRepository, null);
        var cart = new Cart();

        // Act: When a user adds a product to their cart...
        cartController.AddToCart(cart, 456, null);

        // Assert: Then the product is in their cart
        Assert.AreEqual(1, cart.Lines.Count);
        Assert.AreEqual(456, cart.Lines[0].ProductSub.ProductSubID);


public class Cart
    private List<CartLine> lines = new List<CartLine>();
    public IList<CartLine> Lines { get { return lines.AsReadOnly(); } }

    public void AddItem(ProductSub productSub, int quantity)
        var line = lines.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProductSub.ProductSubID == productSub.ProductSubID);
        if (line == null)
            lines.Add(new CartLine { ProductSub = productSub, Quantity = quantity });
            line.Quantity += quantity;

    public decimal ComputeTotalValue()
        return lines.Sum(l => (decimal)l.ProductSub.Price * l.Quantity);

    public void Clear()

    public void RemoveLine(ProductSub productSub)
        lines.RemoveAll(l => l.ProductSub.ProductSubID == productSub.ProductSubID);

public class CartLine
    public ProductSub ProductSub { get; set; }
    public int Quantity { get; set; }


public class Product
    [HiddenInput(DisplayValue = false)]
    [Column(Name = "id", IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert)]
    public int ProductID { get; set; }

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter a product name")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter a description")]
    [Column(Name = "info")]
    public string Description { get; set; }

    public float LowestPrice 
        get { return (from product in ProductSubs select product.Price).Min(); }

    private EntitySet<ProductSub> _ProductSubs = new EntitySet<ProductSub>();
    [System.Data.Linq.Mapping.Association(Storage = "_ProductSubs", OtherKey = "ProductID")]
    public ICollection<ProductSub> ProductSubs
        get { return _ProductSubs; }
        set { _ProductSubs.Assign(value); }

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please specify a category")]
    public string Category { get; set; }

public class ProductSub
    [HiddenInput(DisplayValue = false)]
    [Column(Name = "id", IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert)]
    public int ProductSubID { get; set; }

    [Column(Name = "products_id")]
    private int ProductID;
    private EntityRef<Product> _Product = new EntityRef<Product>();
    [System.Data.Linq.Mapping.Association(Storage = "_Product", ThisKey = "ProductID")]
    public Product Product
        get { return _Product.Entity; }
        set { _Product.Entity = value; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    [Range(0.00, double.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter a positive price")]
    public float Price { get; set; }


    public static IProductsRepository MockProductsRepository(params Product[] products)
        var mockProductsRepos = new Mock<IProductsRepository>();
        mockProductsRepos.Setup(x => x.Products).Returns(products.AsQueryable());
        return mockProductsRepos.Object;


    public RedirectToRouteResult AddToCart(Cart cart, int productSubId, string returnUrl)
        //Product product = productsRepository.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductID == 2);
        //cart.AddItem(product.ProductSubs.FirstOrDefault(), 1);
        ProductSub productSub = productsRepository.ProductSubs.FirstOrDefault(ps => ps.ProductSubID == productSubId);
        cart.AddItem(productSub, 1);
        return RedirectToAction("Index", new { returnUrl });


public class FakeProductsRepository : IProductsRepository
    private static IQueryable<Product> fakeProducts = new List<Product> {
        new Product { Name = "Football", ProductSubs = new List<ProductSub> { new ProductSub { ProductSubID = 123, Price = 25 } } },
        new Product { Name = "Surf board", ProductSubs = new List<ProductSub> { new ProductSub { ProductSubID = 456, Price = 179 } } },
        new Product { Name = "Running shoes", ProductSubs = new List<ProductSub> { new ProductSub { ProductSubID = 789, Price = 95 } } }

    public FakeProductsRepository(params Product[] prods)
        fakeProducts = new List<Product>(prods).AsQueryable();

    public IQueryable<Product> Products
        get { return fakeProducts; }

    public IQueryable<ProductSub> ProductSubs
        get { return fakeProducts.SelectMany(ps => ps.ProductSubs); }

    public void SaveProduct(Product product)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public void DeleteProduct(Product product)
        throw new NotImplementedException();



2 に答える 2



であなたは使用AddToCartを見つけようとします。モックは空のコレクションを返すため、 nullを返します。したがって、nullである理由を説明する呼び出しを行います。ProductSubproductsRepository.ProductSubs.FirstOrDefaultFirstOrDefaultcart.AddItem(null, 1)cart.Lines[0]


public void AddItem(ProductSub productSub, int quantity) 
    if (productSub == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("productSub");
    if (quantity < 1)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("quantity");



  .Setup(x => x.ProductSubs)
  .Returns(products.SelectMany(p => p.ProductSubs).AsQueryable());


于 2012-09-12T15:47:27.213 に答える

I figured out the solution thanks to Martin Liversage. The mock WAS wrong, but I didn't figure it out because my FakeProductsRepository was ALSO wrong. Due to the dependency between Products and ProductSubs I don't think his suggested change to the mock would work though (but please correct me if I'm wrong).

The issue in FakeProductsRepository was that the constructor overwrote the initial fakeProducts collection with an empty collection. Once I changed that to only overwrite the initial collection if a new collection was supplied as parameter the unit tests worked using the FakeProductsRepository.

    public FakeProductsRepository(params Product[] products)
        if (products != null)
            fakeProducts = new List<Product>(products).AsQueryable();

Thus there was an issue with the mock since that still didn't work. To solve it all I needed to do was to remove the ProductSubs function from IProductsRepository (which I had intended as a shortcut, but which I realized messed up the mocking). Once I did that and accessed the ProductSubs through the Products in CartController everything worked again.

    public RedirectToRouteResult AddToCart(Cart cart, int productSubId, string returnUrl)
        ProductSub productSub = productsRepository.Products.SelectMany(p => p.ProductSubs).FirstOrDefault(ps => ps.ProductSubID == productSubId);
        cart.AddItem(productSub, 1);
        return RedirectToAction("Index", new { returnUrl });

That was all I needed, but to simplify the test code I also decided to use pure ProductSub objects where that was enough instead of accessing them through a Product. Where I needed the whole Product (ie when the IProductsRepository was involved I used this code which I think is cleaner then creating the whole object on one line (ie with new List etc):

var ps1 = new ProductSub { ProductSubID = 11 };
var p1 = new Product();
于 2012-09-13T08:34:57.117 に答える