私はそれを取得しません、私はカスタム wp テンプレートに持っています:




get_template_part('中古車モデル', "ギャラリー");


reader_review で同じことをしようとすると、エラーが発生します。それらのファイルを含めるために何か特別なものを定義する必要がありますか?


This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?

object(WP_Query)#809 (46) { ["query_vars"]=> array(55) { ["attachment"]=> string(14) "reader_reviews" ["error"]=> string(0) "" [ "m"]=> int(0) ["p"]=> int(0) ["post_parent"]=> string(0) "" ["subpost"]=> string(0) "" ["subpost_id "]=> string(0) "" ["attachment_id"]=> int(0) ["name"]=> string(14) "reader_reviews" ["static"]=> string(0) "" [" pagename"]=> string(0) "" ["page_id"]=> int(0) ["second"]=> string(0) "" ["分"]=> 文字列(0) "" ["時"]=> 文字列(0) "" ["日"]=> int(0) ["月数"]=> int(0) ["年" ]=> int(0) ["w"]=> int(0) ["category_name"]=> string(0) "" ["tag"]=> string(0) "" ["cat"]= > string(0) "" ["tag_id"]=> string(0) "" ["author_name"]=> string(0) "" ["feed"]=> string(0) "" ["tb" ]=> string(0) "" ["paged"]=> int(0) ["comments_popup"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_key"]=>string(0) "" ["meta_value"]=> string(0) "" ["preview"]=> string(0) "" ["s"]=> string(0) "" ["sentence"] => 文字列(0) "" ["フィールド"]=> 文字列(0) "" ["category_in"]=> array(0) { } ["category _not_in"]=> array(0) { } ["category_ and"]=> array(0) { } ["post _in"]=> array(0) ) { } ["post__not_in"]=> array(0) { } ["tag_ in"]=> array(0) { } ["tag_not_in"]=> array(0) { } ["tag__and"]=> array(0) { } ["tag_slug__in"]=> array(0) { } ["tag_slug__and"]=> array(0) { } ["ignore_sticky_posts"]=> bool(false) ["suppress_filters"]=> bool(false) ["cache_results"]=> bool(true) ["update_post_term_cache"]=> bool(true) ["update_post_meta_cache"]= > bool(true) ["post_type"]=> string(0) "" ["posts_per_page"]=> int(1) ["nopaging"]=> bool(false) ["comments_per_page"]=> string(2 ) "50" ["no_found_rows"]=> bool(false) ["order"]=> string(4) "DESC" } ["tax_query"]=> NULL ["meta_query"]=> object(WP_Meta_Query)#551 (2) { ["queries"]=> array(0) { } ["relation"]=> NULL } ["post_count"]=> int(0) ["current_post"]=> int(-1) ["in_the_loop"]=> bool(false) ["comment_count"]= >
int(0) ["current_comment"]=> int(-1) ["found_posts"]=> int(0) ["max_num_pages"]=> int(0) ["max_num_comment_pages"]=> int(0)
[ "is_single"]=> bool(false) ["is_preview"]=> bool(false)
["is_page"]=> bool(false) ["is_archive"]=> bool(false)
["is_date"]=> bool(false) ["is_year"]=> bool(false)
["is_month"]=> bool(false) ["is_day"]=> bool(false)
["is_time"]=> bool(false) [" is_author"]=> bool(false)
["is_category"]=> bool(false) ["is_tag"]=> bool(false)
["is_tax"]=> bool(false) ["is_search"]=> bool(false)
["is_feed"]=> bool(false) ["is_comment_feed"]=> bool(false)
["is_trackback"]=> bool(false) ["is_home"]=> bool (間違い)
["is_404"]=> bool(true) ["is_comments_popup"]=> bool(false)
["is_paged"]=> bool(false) ["is_admin"]=> bool(false)
["is_attachment"]= > bool(false) ["is_singular"]=> bool(false)
["is_robots"]=> bool(false) ["is_posts_page"]=> bool(false)
["is_post_type_archive"]=> bool(false) [ "query_vars_hash"]=>
string(32) "6fd8021e4727db18aa48074428ae7597"
["query_vars_changed"]=> bool(false) ["thumbnails_cached"]=>
bool(false) ["query"]=> array(1) { ["attachment"]=> string(14) "reader_reviews" } ["request"]=> string(160) "SELECT wp_posts.* FROM wp_posts WHERE 1=1 AND wp_posts.post_name = 'reader_reviews' AND wp_posts.post_type = 'attachment' ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC " ["posts"]=> &array(0) { }
["queried_object"]=> NULL ["queried_object_id "]=> int(0) }


0 に答える 0