Hi Ive been assigned a homework assignment to create the following program: The Cell Phone Company, Cell4U, determines their cell phone costs as follows: A client pays R2.05 for full minute calls and 2c for each extra second. They also pay 40c per SMS, but a client gets 2 free SMS’s for every full 30 call minutes. A client also gets 1 SMS free for every 30 SMS’s sent.
All employees who work for the company get a free cell phone as a perk and their account is also paid to a maximum of R800 per month. The company requires a monthly report of the cell phone bills for all employees as well as the total amount that they spend on cell phone perks for employees.
The program must provide for the following:
• The amount due for the calls and the amount due for the sms-messages must be calculated in a sub procedure. This will necessarily imply that the sub procedure must convert the seconds to minutes and seconds and that these values as well as the number of free sms’s also are made available to the main procedure. • A second sub procedure must be called to calculate the total bill for the employee and to accumulate the total that the company needs to pay out for cell phone perks. This sub procedure must also use a Boolean parameter to indicate to the main procedure whether the company will pay out the full amount for this employee or only R800. • All output must be displayed in the main procedure (button click event). • Any number of employees. An empty employee number will indicate the end of the input (or the user can click on the cancel-button in the input box). When the last data has been entered, the total amount must be displayed as indicated in figure 5. Remember, if an account is more than R800, the company only contributes R800 towards the bill and only R800 must be reflected in the total.
I have written the following but code but returns me with zero values
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Public Class TheCellPhoneCompany
Private Sub CalcMinAndSec(ByVal intLengthCallInSec As Integer, ByVal intCallSec As Integer, ByVal intCallMin As Integer, ByVal intNumMsgs As Integer, ByVal intNumFreeMsgs As Integer, ByVal decCallCost As Decimal, _
ByVal decSmsCost As Decimal, ByVal RatePerMin As Decimal, ByVal RatePerSec As Decimal, ByVal RatePerSms As Decimal)
intCallMin = (intLengthCallInSec \ 60I)
intCallSec = ((intLengthCallInSec Mod 60I))
intNumFreeMsgs = ((intCallMin - (intCallMin Mod 30)) \ 15) + ((intNumMsgs - (intNumMsgs Mod 30I) \ 30I))
decCallCost = (intCallMin * RatePerMin) + (intCallSec * RatePerSec)
decSmsCost = (intNumMsgs - intNumFreeMsgs) * RatePerSms
End Sub
Private Sub CalcTotals(ByVal decCallCost As Decimal, ByVal decSmsCost As Decimal, ByVal decTotCost As Decimal, ByVal decAmtPaid As Decimal, ByVal decFinalAmtPaid As Decimal, ByVal PaidByComp As Decimal)
Dim blnPaidByComp As Boolean = decTotCost > 800I
decTotCost = decCallCost + decSmsCost
If blnPaidByComp = True Then
decAmtPaid = PaidByComp
decAmtPaid = decTotCost
End If
decFinalAmtPaid += decAmtPaid
End Sub
Private Sub btnEnterData_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEnterData.Click
Dim strEmpCode, strLengthCallInSec, strNumOfSms As String
Dim intNumMsgs, intNumFreeMsgs, intCallMin, intCallSec, intEmpCode, intLengthCallInSec As Integer
Dim decCallCost, decSmsCost, decTotCost, decAmtPaid, decFinalAmtPaid As Decimal
Dim intEmpNum As Integer = 1
Const RatePerMin As Decimal = 2.05D
Const RatePerSec As Decimal = 0.02D
Const RatePerSms As Decimal = 0.4D
Const PaidByComp As Decimal = 800D
strEmpCode = InputBox("Please enter employee number", "Employee " & intEmpNum)
Integer.TryParse(strEmpCode, intEmpCode)
If intEmpCode <> 0 Then
strLengthCallInSec = InputBox("Enter total calls for the month in seconds", "Employee " & intEmpNum)
Integer.TryParse(strLengthCallInSec, intLengthCallInSec)
If intLengthCallInSec > 0 Then
strNumOfSms = InputBox("Enter total number of SMS's sent for the month", "Employee " & intEmpNum)
Integer.TryParse(strNumOfSms, intNumMsgs)
If intNumMsgs > 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Invalid value - the number of SMS's must be a positive integer", "Error - please correct", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)
End If
MessageBox.Show("Invalid value - the seconds must be a positive integer", "Error - please correct", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)
End If
End If
Call CalcMinAndSec(intLengthCallInSec, intCallSec, intCallMin, intNumMsgs, intNumFreeMsgs, decCallCost, decSmsCost, RatePerMin, RatePerSec, RatePerSms)
Call CalcTotals(decCallCost, decSmsCost, decTotCost, decAmtPaid, decFinalAmtPaid, PaidByComp)
lstCellPhones.Items.Add("Employee: " & intEmpCode)
lstCellPhones.Items.Add("Calls: " & intCallMin & " minutes and " & intCallSec & " seconds")
lstCellPhones.Items.Add("Number of SMS messages: " & intNumMsgs & " (" & intNumFreeMsgs & ")")
lstCellPhones.Items.Add("Cost for calls: R" & decCallCost.ToString("N2"))
lstCellPhones.Items.Add("Cost for sms messages: R" & decSmsCost.ToString("N2"))
lstCellPhones.Items.Add("Total cost: R" & decTotCost.ToString("N2"))
lstCellPhones.Items.Add("Paid by company: R" & decAmtPaid.ToString("N2"))
intEmpNum = intEmpNum + 1
Loop Until intEmpCode = 0
lstCellPhones.Items.Add("Total amount paid by company for cell phones = R" & decFinalAmtPaid.ToString("N2"))
End Sub
Private Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
End Sub
End Class